The articles on this website represents the views of this author and various others and does not always represent the official teachings of the Moorish Science Temple of America.
african americans
The Primitive Black Nations of America | The Americas Were Populated by Black People
6:49 PM
An often ignored and forgotten part of American history is the fact that Europeans encountered dark-skinned people (later referred to as negroes) when they arrived on the shores of North, South, and Central America. This passage, taken from professor Constantine Rafinesque's publication, Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowledge, details the various "Black Nations" that existed pre-Columbus in America.
Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowledge was based off of over 33 years of travel and research by the esteemed professor.
Read the entire thing here:
Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowledge was based off of over 33 years of travel and research by the esteemed professor.
"The Primitive
Black Nations of America."
By Professor C.
S. Rafinesque.
"The Society of
Geography having offered a reward for the best memoir on the Origin
of the Asiatic Negroes, I sent them last year two Memoirs; one on
those Asiatic Negroes,'wherein I demonstrated the affinities of their
languages with the African and Polynesian Negroes, as well as with
the Hindus and Chinese, and renders it probable that all the Negroes
originated in the Southern Slopes of the Himalaya Mountains, as they
did once exist all over India, South China, Japan, Persia and Arabia.
My second Memoir was
on the Negro or Black Nations, found in America before Columbus,
wherein I proved their existence and connection by language with the
Negroes of Africa and Polynesia. These Memoirs have been rewarded by
the learned Society of Geography, with a gold medal of 100 Francs,
which was lately communicated to me by Messrs Warden, our former
Consul in Paris, and Jomard member of the Institute. This gratifying
intelligence will be acceptable to all my friends, and furnish
another proof of my ability to unravel at last, the origins of all
the American Nations and Tribes, in pursuing the path which I have
opened, by comparing all the Languages mathematically and numerically
with each other.
To many, this fact
of old Black Nations in America will be new, yet it is an important
feature of American History, as well as the existence of primitive
White Nations there still more numerous. To furnish a kind of insight
into this subject. I will here merely enumerate the Black tribes of
which I have found evident traces and remains in North and South
1. The Ancient
Caracols of Hayti, represented as a Nation of Beasts by the
Historical Songs, see Roman
and Martyr.
2. The Califurnaims
of the Carib Islands, called Black Caribs or Guanini by others, are a
black branch of Caribs. See Rochefort, Herrera, &c.
3. The Arguahos of
Cutara mentioned by Garcias in the West Indies, quite black.
4. The black Aroras
of Raleigh, or Yaruras of the Spaniards, ugly
black or brown
Negroes, yet existing near the Oronoco, and language known, called
Monkeys by their neighbors.
5. Chaymas of
Guyana, brown Negroes like Hottentots, see Humboldt.
6. The Mangipas and
Porcigis of Nienhof, the Motayas of Knivet are all of Brazil, brown
Negroes with curly hair. See also Vespucius and Pigafetta.
7. The Nigritas of
Martyr in Darien, yet existing in Choco under the name of Chuanas or
Gaunas or Chinos (Dariente). Ugly black or red Negroes.
8. The Manabies of
Popayan (in Columbia) blackish with Negro features and hair. See
9. The Guabas and
Jaras of Tagugalpa (Tegucigalpa) near the Honduras. . See Juaros,
&c., now called Zambos.
10. The Enslen or
Esteros of New California, ugly blackish Negroes See Vanegas,
Langsdorf, &c.
11. The Black
Indians met by the Spaniards in Louisiana in 1543. See Soto's
12. The Moon-eyed
Negroes, and Albinos, destroyed by the Cherokees, and seen in Panama.
Barton, &c. Among these the Yarura language has 50 per cent of
anal with t e Gauna, 40 percent with e- Ashanty qr Fanty of Guinea,
and about 33.per cent with the Fulah, Bornu and Congo languages of
Africa. In Asia it has 39 per cent of numerical affinity with the
Samang Negroes, and 40 per cent with the Negroes of Andaman as well
as those of Australia or New Holland. All this and many other details
are given at length, proved by authorities and compared Vocabularies,
in my Memoir."
Read the entire thing here:
Rafinesque, C. S.
(Constantine Samuel), 1783-1840. Atlantic journal, and friend of
knowledge [microform] : in eight numbers : containing about 160
original articles and tracts on natural and historical sciences, the
description of about 150 new plants, and 100 new animals or fossils ;
many vocabularies of languages, historical and geological facts, &c.
&c. &c. (Kindle Locations 4173-4193). Philadelphia : [s.n.].
Rapper Tyga is a Moorish American | Check Out His FB Post About His Moorish History and Heritage
11:05 AM
Rapper and owner of Last Kings clothing stores Tyga, knows that so-called African Americans are the Moors. Check out this post he made on Facebook about his Moorish heritage. Here's the text from the post:
Control your own destiny. Be your own leader. Know where you come from. it's in my bloodline to be a #LastKing . This is early picture of a Moor with a tiger. We as a culture been doing this for 1000s of years. #Moors #LastKings #Africa
Control your own destiny. Be your own leader. Know where you come from. it's in my bloodline to be a #LastKing . This is early picture of a Moor with a tiger. We as a culture been doing this for 1000s of years. #Moors #LastKings #Africa
Black people (who are in actuality Moorish Americans) are literally living the real-life version of the movie The Purge. That is the present-day State of Black America that we are currently living in. This is an in-depth discussion about the killings (modern-day lynchings) of unarmed black men. Actually this is about the lynchings of unarmed black men, women and children by racist police officers as well as shootings by white civilians. Why are they protected by the law when whites murder black people in cold blood?
Are these lynchings of black people a new phenomenon? Are we heading towards some race war or Armageddon? Or is this something far more sinister that has been going on for a long time?
The truth about who you are is starting to go mainstream.
ATL Rapper B.o.B just dropped a bomb on them via Twitter!
Follow us on Twitter @ twitter.com/MoorsInAmerica
Subscribe to our YouTube channel @ YouTube.com/user/MoorsInAmerica
If this is your 1st time hearing that black people are indigenous to the Americas, please read more of our articles on this site talking about this topic and also view our YouTube page.
Read and share the articles below!
Back in 1828, when Native Americans were being killed, driven off of their land, and while many tribes were at war with the U.S. government the 1828 edition of Webster's dictionary included the following interesting description of Native Americans. This is indicative of U.S. policies at the time and pretty much lays out in plain view the plan that was carried out regarding the natives of this land.
ATL Rapper B.o.B just dropped a bomb on them via Twitter!
Follow us on Twitter @ twitter.com/MoorsInAmerica
Subscribe to our YouTube channel @ YouTube.com/user/MoorsInAmerica
If this is your 1st time hearing that black people are indigenous to the Americas, please read more of our articles on this site talking about this topic and also view our YouTube page.
Read and share the articles below!
Back in 1828, when Native Americans were being killed, driven off of their land, and while many tribes were at war with the U.S. government the 1828 edition of Webster's dictionary included the following interesting description of Native Americans. This is indicative of U.S. policies at the time and pretty much lays out in plain view the plan that was carried out regarding the natives of this land.
black indians
Fake Outrage Over the Original Copper Skin-Toned Native Americans Claiming Their Heritage
5:44 PMIt's true. The only reason the five dollar Indians (white Native Americans) are mad that the so-called African American is starting to wake up and realize they have been hoodwinked is because deep down even the most ignorant white people know they don't look anything like the copper-toned indigenous people that the Europeans encountered when they first came to the Americas.
Even Donald Trump had to call b.s. on the run by whites to claim Indian status for government benefits and casino privileges.
There is a huge agenda to keep Moorish Americans, in other words African-Americans, from realizing that they are the elusive Native American, who we are always told is almost extinct.
Importance of the 1828 Definition of American
The first modern Merriam-WebsterDictionary was published in 1828. It was the culmination of 20 years of work and scholarly research to produce a complete lexicon of the English language and terminology. In this dictionary it contains a very interesting definition of the word American, and synonymously, Native American, which implies that the term used to apply to dark skinned people but now applies to the descendants of Europeans."AMER'ICAN, n. - A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored
races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America." - 1828 Webster Dictionary
Keep in mind that in 1828 "blacks" were being enslaved via the internal slave trade where free black people could be captured and sold off into slavery by whites. Most Native American tribes were at war with the United States government or already defeated. In reality, blacks that became enslaved were POWs. This is why the black community is still occupied and treated marginally to this day. We are and always have been the indigenous to this land. (Read more on this topic here black natives)
Don't fall for the okey doke anymore. The time for fake outrage and feigned ignorance to the indigenous roots of "African Americans" is over! This is not a joking matter, because there are rights and laws which apply to the aboriginal people of the land which the dominant society does not want us to take advantage of.
african americans
Real Native Americans Are The So-Called Black Americans | Black Native Americans
9:16 PM
The True Native Americans Are the Present Day Black Americans. The Truth is Coming Out!
My child brought home this Scholastic newsletter which featured a Moorish American girl depicted as a Native American. I definitely never saw anything like that when I was in school and just wanted to share this image because I thought that it was cool.
We were always taught that all 40 million "black" Americans descended from African slaves. There is a ton of historical evidence that proves that "black" people were here in the Western Hemisphere long before European colonist set foot over here.
I have an article on this topic about the black Native Americans here.
Times are definitely changing! The truth is slowly, but surely coming out.
Oh, btw the young sister in the pic above is an actual member of the Wampanoag tribe.
We were always taught that all 40 million "black" Americans descended from African slaves. There is a ton of historical evidence that proves that "black" people were here in the Western Hemisphere long before European colonist set foot over here.
I have an article on this topic about the black Native Americans here.
Times are definitely changing! The truth is slowly, but surely coming out.
Oh, btw the young sister in the pic above is an actual member of the Wampanoag tribe.