I did not write most of the material in this article, but I wanted to share it because the site that it was on originally, which I will share below did not have a lot of traffic, so most have not been exposed to this information.
It contains a lot of credible information about the history of Moorish Americans and makes a valiant effort to explain why the so-called African American, and most "black" people of the Caribbean, North, Central, and South America are actually Moorish Americans.
I also shared information in this article from the great author and teacher CM Bey's Clock of Destiny site and Dr. Alim El Bey, which speaks on this topic as well.
How Are We Moorish Americans | What Makes Us Moors
Before we further discuss the history of the Moors worldwide we will talk about the more recent history of Moorish Americans. Around the early 1900's a man by the name of Timothy Drew, later to be known as Noble Drew Ali, established a an Islamic organization in the US attempting to reach and empower black Americans.By 1928 Noble Drew Ali set up the first of many Moorish Science Temples in Chicago. He taught that black Americans were not negro, black, or colored. He said that these were labels placed upon black Americans that kept them in an inferior legal status. His followers believed he was a prophet and the membership for the Moorish Science Temple grew exponentially, even developing and offshoot, Moorish Orthodox Church for European believers.
Prophet Noble Drew Ali taught, amongst other things, that black Americans were for the most part indigenous to the United States. He believed that most black Americans and Latinos were actually Moors.
am going to teach you something that you did not know about yourself,
that has been hinted at, and guessed
at, and poked at, and everything but made fully known to you, as it
should have always
I am going to teach you the true and divine "knowledge" of yourself, historically speaking.
they have you calling yourself everything but what you are, and so, you
are never able to take your proper place
in the national and international
affairs of men all over the world. you have been mentally robbed of your
inalienable, inherent
and invincible manhood, by being
robbed of your nationhood.
this robbery did not begin with Slavery (the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade), it began 800 years earlier.
711 AD, the "Moors" (also called "Berbers" at tht point), who are the
original people of West Africa deciding to
expand their Moorish Empire went
from Africa into Europe, from Morocco into Spain, and conquered most of
Spain except for
the very North.
800 (700 AD - 1400 AD) the Moors ruled over Spain, and brought the
greatest civilization known in Europe into existence.
what the Moors did in Spain was
taken to the rest of Europe by the Spaniards and began what they now
call the Renaissance
(which means "rebirth") to Europe,
bringing them out of their "Dark Ages", a term they took from the
Moslems (Moors of West
Africa), because in Islam there is
the teaching that before Prophet Mohammed was raised in Mecca, Arabia
with the Great Koran
(Al-Quran Al-Adhiym) the whole of
Arabia was under what is called its "Jahaliyyah" period, which is a
period of darkness and
ignorance ruling over the people.
the Wisdom, Science, teachings of the Moors (the Moslems) in Spain
brought a New Light to them, and the rest of
Europe, as they saw what we were
doing, and copied it to the fullest. this ended their own "Jahaliyyah"
all over the continent of Europe. it
is literally the Science of the Moors (who were all Moslems) that began
to raise them
up, and this is a historical fact.
the whole time the Moors (Moslems) were in Spain, the Spanish, French,
Italians, and English were trying to bring
Spain back under the rule of the
Spaniards. and finally in the lte 1400s the Spaniards, with help from
their European brothers,
finally defeated the Moors in the
beginning of 1492.
defeating the Moors (Moslems from West Africa), the Spaniards gave them
Moors two options, return to West Africa,
or stay in Spain under the rule of
the Royal Family of Spain as "Spaniards" (subjects of the king and
queen), but they forsake
their allegiance to their own
Moorish Empire, and they must become "Catholics" (the first
"Christians") at that time. most
of the Moors went home to West
Africa, but some betrayed their people and stayed in Spain under those
conditions, they became
known as "Mosricos", and the people
in Spain that were related to the "Moriscos" (the spanish word for
Moorish) were called