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Moorish American Prayer | The Prayer and Hermetic Lessons

5:21 PM

Moorish American Prayer

1. Stand facing the East.

2. Hold up 5 on the left hand.

3. Hold up 2 fingers on the right hand.

4. Heels together at 45 degrees.

ALLAH the Father of the Universe, the Father of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. ALLAH is my Protector, my Guide, and my Salvation by night and by day, through His Holy Prophet, DREW ALI. (Amen)

One of the greatest observations of prayer can be seen when man looks into the face of man and sees the image of Allah, himself, who speaks within (MHK 8:10).  With purity of heart a man is able to see himself, as truth and the Great God, as all in one.  This is called bliss.  Bliss is a true sensation and experienced as “the all of love made manifest” (Chpt. 1).

Since prayer is the heart of any religion, Noble Drew Ali united “The Moorish American Prayer” in perfect Kemetian harmony, as was The Al-Fatiha revealed to Arabia in those days.  This is because he did not bring a new religion but a higher degree of the “old time”, pristine, “Islam” of their ancient forefathers.  Not a stolen religion, borrowed from foreign lands or unnatural sources.  As one truth does not contradict any other truth; the Moorish American Prayer does not supersede the Great Al-Fatiha but is a higher comprehensive degree of the same now introduced to the west.

Prophet Noble Drew Ali instructs the Moors to first “Know thyself and Allah”. Actually, there‟s nothing else man needs to know (MHK 38:28). When a Moslem is fully conscious of himself, he knows himself as Immanuel, a God made flesh; and Allah is the Great God. The opening of the prayer is the immediate recognition of the line uniting Divinity and matter. This raises the consciousness of each Moslem to the precise Deity of their prayer. The Grace of Allah. The Mercy of Allah.

Click here to read a free booklet on Moorish American hermetic lessons.


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  1. Wow! The Moorish American prayer looks so cool.It is really interesting to know about the past. It is an informative post. Thank you for sharing this post with all of us.

  2. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Islamism my name is Alvin Jones El seeking enlightenment


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