In this article (and video at bottom of this article) we will explain using various sources the meaning of the fez and turban, which are the national headdresses of Moorish Americans. They have practical and mystical meanings as well as historical significance. There are ancient carvings and hieroglyphics made out of solid stone showing the ancient people wearing both the fez and turban on their head. These carvings and statues are found all over the Americas, Africa, and various other places in the world.
What do the Fez and Turban Mean?
First we will discuss the turban and then break down the fez. Both the turban and fez relate to male and female aspects of Moorish Americans alike, even though Moorish American women typically do not wear fezzes. The wearing of the ancient headdresses of our ancestors, combined with proclaiming your nationality, and honoring our forefathers ties modern Moorish Americans back into the lineage of the creators of civilization. The people erroneously labeled as black, African American, and, in many cases Latino, has been stripped of their nationality, lineage and place in the family tree of humanity. It is time to return back to who we truly are. Now we will discuss the meanings behind the headdress.
What Does the Turban Mean
In the Moorish Science Temple of America the Turban is predominantly worn by Women, but men are permitted to wear them as well. To the Moslems of the west, it represents purity and is consider a crown. Women among our Nation, wear there turban in a crisp V style or pyramid, with a blue button displaying a crescent moon and star, along with the letters MA. It is truly a symbol of Modesty and respect for ones self.Source: "The Turban and It's Significance"
"She is clothed with neatness, she is fed with temperance; humility and meekness are as a crown of glory circling her head."
-Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Chapter XXI, verse 7
When Moorish American women learn how to tie a turban in the style of our ancestors, there is true significance in every act, it is more than just a fashion statement or style of dress. Turbans are actually an ancient form of spiritual practice. Many people do not know this, so we will discuss the spiritual, esoteric meaning behind wearing the turban.