Black Americans (Moors) If We Were A Nation (We Are! 😉) We'd Be The 10th Largest In The World GDP Over $2.2 TRILLION
On a positive note, because we always here about the negative...
We Have Power, Now It's Time To Exercise It!
African-Americans' total GDP is $2.2 trillion, if African Americans were a country, they'd be the 10th largest country in the world. African-Americans are about 15% of the US population, with a estimated population of 42 million people.
Africa's TOTAL GDP across all 54 COUNTRIES is $2.3 trillion spread across a approximate population of 900 - 1 billion people. African-Americans' total GDP is $2.2 trillion with a approximate population of 42 million people, which is a fraction of 3% - 4% of Africa's population.
The State of the African-American Consumer Report found that African American GDP is projected to reach $2.9 trillion, with a buying power projected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2015, The Louisiana Weekly reports.
Nielson reports that African Americans are spending on average $1.2 trillion dollars annually. In addition to that, Nielson's report states that African Americans wield a "cool factor" of influence over mainstream society which influences the spending habits of Americans in general.
The buying power of African Americans is expected to rise from $1.3 trillion in 2017 to $1.54 trillion in 2022 – and will continue to outpace the spending of the total national population.
The study from the Louisiana Weekly, which focuses on black spending, media habits and consumer trends, reported an increase in the amount of blacks attending college or earning a degree to 44 percent for men and 53 percent for women. It also found an increase in the number of African American households earning $75,000 or higher by almost 64 percent.
Our nation is already strong.