The articles on this website represents the views of this author and various others and does not always represent the official teachings of the Moorish Science Temple of America.

I alluded to the possibilities of an ancient worldwide civilization with a Moorish connection in this video and also provided some compelling research and artifacts found worldwide to back up this claim. Check out the video below.
There is more compelling information as well. Check this stuff out and be sure to share this article!
"The Fez in the American pantheon simply becomes the graduation cap geometrically speaking. The Fez of the Easter Island mois has been described as a pukao topped with a conical knob. This headdress is made of red volcanic material found in a small crater on the side of a larger volcano, known as Punapau, they are classified as large cylinders from four to eight feet in height and nine feet across, this headgear has been interpreted in various ways: basket, crown, hat, turban, diadem of flours, according to Catherine and Michael Orliac’s “Easter Island Mystery of the Stone Giants”. David Hatcher Childress in his book “Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria and the Pacific” states “At one end of a clubhouse of Santa Maria in the Bank Islands there are ancient stone figures which in one respect at least, resemble the colossal statues in one variety of the representatives of the human figure found throughout Melanesia, and is almost certainly connected with the importance of head-coverings in the ritual of the ancient secret societies. It is therefore of interest that head-covering should be a prominent feature of the statue of Easter Island”."

Shout out to @subconsciouscelebrity for originally sharing this on the gram!
Go ahead say sumn...👂🏾👂🏾👂🏾
Let's get it!
Aboriginal indigenous to the land🇲🇦👳🏾🇲🇦
👌🏾💯👳🏾☕️ 🔥

2017 is gonna be a Muur Year 👳🏾☕️
#KnowThySelf #KnowledgOfSelf #MuurGods #MuurGoddess #Melanin #Melekinesis #KnowThypower #PinealPower #DarkMatterOnes #SiriusGenetics #blacks ❌ #blackmen 🚫 #blackwomen 🚫 #panafrikan 🚫#africanAmerican ❌ #Aboriginal ✅ #Muurs ✅ #Moors ✅ #Morena #KemeticAmericans #Kemet #ChahtaMuurs #subconsciouscelebrity5 #EyeSpyMoor
The Huevolution of Sacred Muur Science Past and Present, A Theoretical Compilation – Noble Timothy Myers - EL

Shout out to @subconsciouscelebrityfor sharing this gem! 🔥🔥Ancient Kamites called this structure a Mer/Mur the term "pyramid" is believed to come from the Greek word pyramis meaning mound of Fire. pyramids of Giza khufu covers 13acres and is 480feet tall constructed with over 2 million Stones #mers #murs
- Mermen mermaids navigators of the oceans CelestialOcean that is.
- 👉🏾the title Mr and it's derivation do not mean death etc it is a grand title of antiquity and is earned. Not originating from recently created (BY US) languages but from ancient times before there were any "others" to create languages for. Use ur brains ppl. ◾️◼️ To Earn the title MR, u must represent and embody what it means to have completed the pyramid of self/pyramid of Man aka "The Completed Man"
- This is why those who have, wear pointed hats with peaks or hoods to represent capstone completion. 💂🏾👳🏾🎅🏾💂🏾👳🏾🎅🏾💂🏾👳🏾🎅🏾
- Some of the Positive 'Mer' definitions from the Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary vol. 1
Mer = pyramid
mer = overseer, chief officer, head, superintendent, director, foreman.
Merå = an ancient name of Egypt
Mermer = a god
mer = hero, brave man
Merit = a title of the Eye of Horus/Ra
Mer-t = divine eyes/many eyes
Mer unut = a kind of Priest
Mer åh-t = overseer of the estates/ land superintendent./ (peep👉fem. "et")
Meru åuāāut = heads of families, sheiks of tribes
Mer åau-t = inspector of divinities of the highest kind.
Merti = the primeval gods/goddesses
Merit nesru = a fire goddess
Merr = beloved one
meri = title of several gods
Meritti = title of Ra,Amen,Heru,Asaur, etc
Meri = lover, a loved one, something loved
Mer per = chiefs of the house
Mer m'shāu = title of high priest
Merbåa = a king of the 1st dynasty
Merukh-t = name of the left eye of Horus
Hmmm also makes u wonder why we get the title Mr. (Mister) And Mrs. (Misses) #KnowThySelf #KnowThypower#knowthyRoots #PinealPower #MuurGods#MuurGoddess #Morena #Muurs ✅ #Moors ✅ #Melekinesis #Melanin #blacks❌ #blackmen ❌ #blackwomen ❌ #africanAmerican 🚫 #Melekinesis#KemeticAmericans #kemet#WashitawMuurs #Aboriginal#DarkMatterOnes #SiriusGenetics#subconsciouscelebrity5 #EyeSpyMoors2