Scriptures Demystified: Degrees of Moorish Masonry Revealed:
Islam Moors, Noble Drew Ali reveals the true purposes of the Tools often associated in Free Masonry.
From The Holy Koran Of The Moorish Holy Temple Of Science, 5th Chapter.
Jesus breaks down the symbolism's of The Free Masonic Tools Pictured Above.
Chapter V
After the feast -- The Homeward Journey-- The Missing Jesus--The Search For Him. His Parents Find Him In the Temple--He Goes With Them To Nazareth--Symbolic Meaning of Carpenters Tools
1. The great Feast of the Pasch was ended and the Nazarenes were journeying forward toward their homes.
2. And they were in Samaria, and Mary said: "Where is my son?"
No one had seen the boy.
3. And Joseph sought among their kindred who were on their way to Galilee; but they had seen him not.
4. Then Joseph, Mary, and a son of Zebedee returned and sought through all Jerusalem, but they could find him not.
5. And Mary asked the guards had they seen Jesus, a little boy about twelve years old.
6. The guards replied: "Yes, he is in the temple now disputing with the doctors of the law."
7. And they went in, and found him as the guards had said.