Ancient Moors in America | We Didn't Land On Plymouth Rock Because We Were Already Here
9:37 PM
I originally wrote this on my personal Facebook page as a note but it's very much applicable to this site so I thought I'd share it here as well. There is another article on here that talks about this subject and has a 400 year old book that talks about how America is the original Egypt. This was written in the 1600s by European explorers mind you. Here is the link to that article.
You know one of the biggest lies perpetrated is that we were all brought over here on slave ships from Africa. Seriously, it is a huge deal. Everything is hidden in plain sight too. They always act like the Native Americans are almost extinct, like they are less than 1% of the population.
When Christopher Columbus landed in the West Indies, he described the people on the islands as dark skin people like the Ethiopians. California was populated by black people as well. Europeans who sailed to America described and drew pictures of the people of America as a dark skin and copper colored with Afros, long hair, or wavy hair.
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Black Californians |

It's ridiculous that white people masquerading as the true natives are able to do this. The last thing they need are so-called African Americans realizing who we are and getting some of the billions of dollars generated by the casino gaming industry.
There already are some black people that claim their roots and have been able to get into this lucrative industry and it pisses the fake Indians off. I'll speak more on that in a different article but this runs deep. Trust me this is possibly the biggest lie perpetrated by this government and the lie is beginning to crumble down.
The Numbers Simply Don't Add Up!!!

According to "Slave Statistics" by Hugh Thomas published in 1997 by Simon and Schuster somewhere around 500,000 Africans were transported to North America between 1619-1865. But because of the horrible conditions the Africans were packed in on the slave ships half of them died during the journey.
This means that the actual amount of Africans that made it to North America alive was between 250,000-300,000 over a period of 240 years. If so few Africans were brought over to North America why are there so many African Americans living here today? In 2013 US Census Bureau estimated 45 million African Americans in the United States. No other group in the US had a growth rate this high!
Statistics state less than 1% of all Indigenous people of North and South America are in existence as a result of European conquests. Ninety-five (95%) percent were massacred by Columbus and his European crews shortly after 1492. That quickly huh???
Around 1900, it was thought Native Americans were on the brink of extinction with only 250,000 left. Yet, there is actual physical evidence in the form of artifacts of dark skinned, curly hair texture natives. There are written accounts of the Native Americans being called Ethiopians by the European explorers and described as having the same features of the modern-day African American.
And as stated before, there are over 45 million people openly classified as African American according to the US Census Bureau. Let me paint a picture for you of what really happened.
What Really Happened | The Internal Slave Trade in America
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Notice his clothing, not only was he a free man but he was also skilled, educated, and played the violin. |
The children were split up and told that they came from some far away land called Africa (which is a continent and not a country by the way). This further disconnected them from any nation or root culturally. The slave traders lied about the slaves origins and sent them across state lines, all over the country.
The work was put in early to start changing the image of who/what was native to this land called America. By the late 1800s all eyewitness accounts of dark copper skin-toned people with curly or wavy hair had been downplayed or hidden in the vaults.
White people that had married into the tribe or been adopted into tribes were being given official recognition by the government as Indian tribes and by the time the Indian Bureau of Affairs was established you pretty much had to be white or damn near white to sit on the council.
From 1836 to 1914, over 30 million Europeans migrated to the United States. Many of these European immigrants were not what is now considered "white" and the only reason that the government opened up the doors of immigration to all of these people was to change the racial makeup of the growing country.
Fast forward to the present-day and we now have a large and growing (estimated population of over 70 million by 2060) population of African Americans that don't even realize they are indigenous to this land.
Who Are The Real Native Americans | Moors in America
From IPOAA site (Indigenous Peoples of Africa and America)
Black African-Americans are composed of two main groups of Blacks, those who were in the US and the rest of the Americas before Columbus and were enslaved due to the Church Edict of the 1440's, and those who were enslaved and brought from Africa after 1492.
This picture is of one of the original Black nations of California, the Black Californians or Black Mojave who lived in the hot parts of California. There were also other Black tribes and nations in California, including those who had a trading relationship with people in the Pacific Ocean.
The Black Californians fought with the Spanish, the Mexican Spanish and the Anglo-Americans up to the mid 1800's. Some were enslaved by the Californios and freed after slavery was abolished in California. Many others contined fighting and they were pacified. Many of the Black Californians went to live in the Cities among other Blacks while some went to Mexico.
Today, California's Black population is an indigenoius Black population in the same way that the Mexican populaton is indigenous. However, the Negro/Black population is also Aboriginal to California and the South West and since the Black race is basically as distinct as they were one thousand years ago to a greater extent than other peoples in California, one will not be able to tell who is of Black California ancestry and who is not. Both African-Americans and Black Californians are Africoid peoples.
This is one of the rare pictures (many are no doubt hidden of a Black Californian at a mission with a cowbell in one hand and a cross in the other (not shown). This pictures shows the Black Californian wearing a necklace similar to that of the picture with the Black Californian warrior with bow and arrows.
The region from Ohio to Mississippi and from California to Florida had a prehistoric and preColumbian Black population. There are many clues and pieces of evidence that show this to be true, including the fact that the descendants of one such group, the Washitaw Nation is recognized as a distinct Black nation and is said to have once controled a significant amount of land in the Mississippi Valley.
In Samuel Morton George's essay, "An Inquiry Into the Distinctive Characteristics of the Aboriginal Race of America", he states that all indigenous Americans except the Eskimos "are one race, and that this race is peculiar , and distinct from all others" (pg. 12). Canada, North America, Mexico, Central and South America the physical characteristics of the natives had "All possess the long, lank, black hair, the brown and cinnamon colored skin, the heavy brow, the dull and sleepy eye, the full and compressed lips, and the salient butt dilated nose" (pg. 12).
I need to see my Uncle Odell's research again because the stuff that he showed me years ago went back generations, we had cowboys and indian ancestors. They were black but noone was from Africa.
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Self Explanatory |
We are indigenous to America, always have been here I bet. Black people have been all over the world for a long time. We didn't need the Europeans that we taught science and navigation to bring us to a continent that they just found out about 500 years ago.
We are the ones that told them that the world wasn't flat. Columbus had Moorish sailors on his ships with him. (A black navigator, Pedro Alonso Niño, a moor from Spain, traveled with Christopher Columbus's first expedition to the New World. Look it up. Actually the four Niño brothers, Pedro Alonso, Francisco, Juan and Bartolomé were sailors with prestige and experience in Atlantic journeys before playing a distinguished part in Columbus's first voyage to the New World.)
They definitely don't teach you in history class that Columbus had black (Moorish) sailors with him. The Niño brothers were captians and pilots of the ships. Columbus couldn't have come over here without their help. We told them about the Americas and we were here to greet them at the shores.
We built pyramids and giant statues that looked just like us.
Don't believe me. Check out what this white dude wrote about the indigenous Americans back in the 1800's...
"All primitive tribes known in America are dark, coppered color with jet black hair, while most possess curls in the extreme, and every level of wavy hair in between. The texture of the hair is generally fine, soft or silk or course or harsh. The hair of the men, falling down to their hams and sometimes to the ground, is divided into plaits or slabs two inches wide and filled with a profusion of glue and earth, which become very hard and remains unchanged from year to year."
Today this form of hair is called dreadlocks
Nothing against Africa but this is my Motherland! My Great-Grandfather was Blackfoot Indian.
Dictionary 1828 Dictionary Definition of American
AMER'ICAN, n. A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.Slave Trade Was Real But Miss-represented | Truth About the Moors in America
Slavery was definitely real. The thing is Native Americans were being kidnapped and sold into slavery and disconnected from their land. The amount of Africans transported to the Americas was greatly exaggerated. The blacks indigenous to this land, or the Moors in America, were kidnapped and sold into slavery. The elders were killed off and the youth were told they came from Africa.The following information from the Stewart Synopsis further hammers this truth home.
In 1993, the United Nations Center for Human Rights, recognized the Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Muur Empire as the Oldest Indigenous group of people on Earth. The registered Project # 215/93 ensued. Just read this. 12,000,000 slaves arrived in the Americas between 1540 and 1850 over—a 310-year period (according to US History books). If you look at the following facts of published material, we are living under another ideological part of American Revisionist History. Also, the following undermines the whole breadth and depth of what is written in American history books. By using simple calculations, the following information can be ascertained:
Over a period of 310 years, is it fair to say that 64,000 slaves were transported annually to the Americas or has the transportation of slaves at the extent to which was claimed to the Americas one big myth? 12 million (12,000,000) Slaves were transported to the Americas (North, Central, South). Statistics state the 13 Colonies had a total of 600,000 slaves. (The first colony was Virginia 1585 - 1776--191 years). Between 1770 through 1860, there were 4 million slaves in the United States The largest seagoing vessel carried 400 slaves but not all of the ships were that large. Time of passage was 3 - 4 months. That means 200 vessels/ships per year would have to travel carrying 300 people. One ship could make 3 passages per year. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database says there were 1100 - 1400 voyages made over that 300 year period. If that is the case and each ship carried 400 people, the total number would be 560,000 Africans were transported. That number is close to the claim in Item 3 that says there were 600,000 slaves in the 13 colonies, (The chart shows 500,000) but that still does not add up. Because of the way humans were tightly packed one-half of them died inroute. In Item 4, there were 4 million slaves in the US in 1860. After the Civil War 3.5 million slaves were freed. Did Native American tribes help slaves escape or were Americans with African ancestry already part of the Native American Nations that existed before Columbus arrived on the scene? We know Native Americans were enslaved, and Native Americans also enslaved people, but were these people who were enslaved Native Americans of African ancestry? We already know that over 83% of all Americans with African ancestry have Native American blood, but a recent study claims that is not true. According to the study, only 4% of all Americans with African ancestry have Native American blood even though Genomic (chromosome) evidence indicates the Amerindian Gene B, C, and D are descended from African females before they migrated out of Africa 40,000 years ago.
According to the figures above, many more slaving companies would have to be in the business of human trafficking annually to come up with the numbers of actually transported, but the published material lists only three (3) major companies that dealt in the slave trade and were given a 31 year monopoly by the British Government.The Royal Adventurer later was named the Royal African Company, so it was one in the same company. Independent companies engaged in slave trade, but there were only three (3) main companies engaged in human trafficking. The Guinea Company--at its height--had 15 ships from 1618 - 1650. The Guinea Company also dealt in gold, dyes, and other things other than just the human trafficking of slaves. British, French, Dutch, and Danish participated in human trafficking.Statistics have not taken into consideration the Portuguese ships that sailed at the time, but from what is out there, the Portuguese and Spanish transported 81,000 slaves to the Americas. We may never know how many people were transported by slave ship.Following is a table from "Slave Statistics" by Hugh Thomas published in 1997 by Simon and Schuster.
After 20 years the Royal Adventurer--with its 15 ships had transported between 90,000 and 100,000 slaves. That is a long ways from 12,000,000 million slaves who were supposedly brought to the Americas. That is a lot of slaves not accounted for. Or is/was the Black/Brown birthrate that more accelerated than the White birthrate? The calculated median of 12 million. Divide it by 400 people—the largest slave vessels. That comes out to 30,000 trips. Records exist for 35,000 voyages.
The statistics state only .05% or 1/2 of 1% of all Indigenous people of North and South America are in existence as a result of Christopher Columbus and his European travelers' conquests. Ninety-five (95%) percent were massacred by Columbus and his European crews shortly after 1492.
It's Time For The True Story of the Moors in America To Come Out
Around 1900, it was thought Native Americans were on the brink of extinction with only 250,000 left.
The United Nations recognizes the Washitaw Muurs Nation within the United States along with the other Indigenous people of America. The Declaration On Rights Of Indigenous People includes the Washitaw Nation, a nation that is made up of Black People who have the archaeological and historical evidence to prove that the original inhabitants of North and South America (so called "Indians") were Black People who came here from Africa.Have you been to a Powwow? I have been and was astonished at all of the Black Native Americans. The powwows I have attended were in Michigan and Ohio. Those Native Americans did not harbor runaway slaves which led me to believe the following: Black Indians are not solely a result of African slaves mixing with so-called Red Indians who were fleeing from slavery as many documented sources would have you to believe.Black Indians are indigenous to America—North, South, and Central before the so-called Red Man, before the Europeans, before the so-called Bering Strait crossings. The Olmecs, Washitaw, Moors, Yamasee, Mound Builders planted the seed of civilization in the Americas—Black Indians!" The blacks, or Moors in America have been here for countless millennia.Over 200,000 ancient pyramids and huge mounds of the Earth in the shape of cones, animals and geometric designs can still be found from the southern coast of America to Canada. These structures were built by people known as "The Mound Builders". They were dark-skinned woolly-haired Blacks who were indigenous (native) to North America and kin to the Olmecs of South America.
During Pangea, the Afrikan and American continents were joined. The Black Mound Builders were the Washitaw-Muurs (Ouachita-Moors), the ORIGINAL inhabitants of North and South America. Columbus was not entirely wrong in calling these people "Indians"! The true meaning of word "Indian" is ("INDI" meaning black, as in INDIa ink, hINDu and INDIgo the darkest color of the color spectrum). The massive remains of this ancient BLACK civilization /empire still stand in both North and South America.
Stewart Synopsis lists these black Native tribes:
The Washitaw of the Louisiana/Midwest
The Yamasee of the South East
The Iroquois
The Cherokee Indians
The Blackfoot Indians
The Pequot and Mohegans of Connecticut
The Black Californians (Calafians) (CAL in CALifornia literally means BLAK, after the name of the Great Mamma KALi / Queen KALifa)
The Olmecs of Mexico
The Darienite of Panama
Ask yourself, why is this information not taught in the classrooms and why are the Native Americans portrayed as “red” and not as black people when evidence shows otherwise?
Suggested Reading:
Delaware's Forgotten Folk: The Story of the Moors and Nanticokes -C. A. Weslager, John Swientochowski, L. T. Alexanderño_brothers
Washitaw, Yamasee, Iroquois, Cherokee, Choctaw Blackfoot, Pequot & Mohegan (and/or All Indigenous People of America)
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade A Myth?
IPOAA Indigenous Peoples of Africa and America site
Stop spreading misinformation it has already been proven that black folks are not the original Indigenous people of the Americas. Only you guys for some reason try and make up these lies that they were. You claim to have Indian in your blood but make up these lies like what typical Afrocentricks do. Wow.
ReplyDeleteTest us we are and they keep proven you red people are mongoloids mixx race people liar .
DeleteTest us we are and they keep proven you red people are mongoloids mixx race people liar .
DeleteAmer'Indian Warrior, you need to sit down. I'm not commenting on your blog, you are commenting on mine. This must have offended you. You have no idea what you are talking about. My Grandfather is a Blackfoot Indian, not descended from slaves! I can back it up with research and records.
Delete"Throw a rock into a pack of dogs, and the one that yells out is the one that got hit." Malcolm X.
Your grandfather is a black foot Indian huh but your grand mother was African though? Listen Indians originally had copper skinned color and are maybe a shade up from black people but they are not black. You talk about how you are Native but your grand mother was still African so....And pls make no mistake, color of skin does not make one black. There are Indians who look black but they are not black, there is no such thing as black Indians, only Africans. Besides even those indigenous ppl of Australia are referred to as Indigenes or Africans yes Africans. So even if blacks were indigenous to America which I doubt, those blacks would still come from Africa.
DeletePlus I have never seen a 2 inch dread before. And the only ppl who say that America is or was like Egypt are maybe ignorant ppl because Egypt is Egypt and Egypt is in Africa. Also how dare you lay claim to pyramids that MY ancestors built, after all you are Indian right? Or are you simply confused?
DeletePlus I have never seen a 2 inch dread before. And the only ppl who say that America is or was like Egypt are maybe ignorant ppl because Egypt is Egypt and Egypt is in Africa. Also how dare you lay claim to pyramids that MY ancestors built, after all you are Indian right? Or are you simply confused?
DeleteI challenge you to read Dr. David Imotep's dissertation and the book that followed, Africans were the first Americans.
DeleteBlack people is not because their not such people but Moors are which is so call black people truth Nationality. My Question to you is where is your Nations flags and describe with it looks like
DeleteYou still have origin. An missing the point. Pangea an pyramids those structures have origin just like the people that built them so if there are pyramids in the Americas as well as the world. An old statues an artifacts of people with negroid features that date back thousands years back don't make you say hum. O yeah there aren't many slave ships to prove such big numbers of slave transfer. Don't let your feelings blind you from the truth.
DeleteMy question is how can anyone say that Indians weren't black if the first people on this planet were black? All other races came from black people, that doesn't make since to me when the Italian, Asian,and Irish people race isn't older than black people. We are indigenous to this planet before any of yall others showed up. Why yall had teepees, isn't that like a text meaning you were nomadic? The Bering Strait was a true story mongoloid.We built pyramids and mounds which were physical cities meaning black people were here first. Please research without emotions, and don't be mad at black indigenous Americans, be mad at those European Americans immigrants for lying to yall. We the so called African Americans should be mad because my ancestors were bred out, beaten killed and our women raped where you think so of y'all mixed blooded Mex meaning mixed Mexicans, salvadorians, Peruvians etc etc yall came from indigenous blacks, Spaniards, and mongoloid Chinese people smh stop believing the man and research without emotions.
DeleteMy question is how can anyone say that Indians weren't black if the first people on this planet were black? All other races came from black people, that doesn't make since to me when the Italian, Asian,and Irish people race isn't older than black people. We are indigenous to this planet before any of yall others showed up. Why yall had teepees, isn't that like a text meaning you were nomadic? The Bering Strait was a true story mongoloid.We built pyramids and mounds which were physical cities meaning black people were here first. Please research without emotions, and don't be mad at black indigenous Americans, be mad at those European Americans immigrants for lying to yall. We the so called African Americans should be mad because my ancestors were bred out, beaten killed and our women raped where you think so of y'all mixed blooded Mex meaning mixed Mexicans, salvadorians, Peruvians etc etc yall came from indigenous blacks, Spaniards, and mongoloid Chinese people smh stop believing the man and research without emotions.
Delete@Laine Exactly!
Delete@Laine Right On!
DeleteA little history the black man and the Red Man or recessive to each other they are the same people the Native Americans the Red Man was exiled from India 16000 years ago for rebelling against Islam the Indians that look similar to the Chinese those are Chinese people came to America and will force on reservations also the black man the Red Man the yellow man the brown man we all are family and brothers and sisters all of the original Black Nation most of your lighter Indians who claim to be Indians are known as $5 Indians those are white people who stole the land and did not want to share the wealth with the red man nor the black man. That is why the honorable Elijah Muhammad States and message to the black man that the black man and the red men are brothers the Red Man the black men are brothers there no difference between the two the continent of Africa and spread out throughout the whole world white people were made by original black man 6000 years ago they are a new race of people.
DeleteGreen greener you are wrong dna does not lie and these actient skeletons they are finding smh well DNA doesnt lie nor do paintings on walls that are exactly as tge ones in egypt. Just face it there is a reason black man is denied his history its cause we are the begining of it all. Cant argue with science think they wanna give us that?? Lol No but to much evidence to keep covering up what happened to us. You and your people had a hand in it to your elders know the truth. Why in one they prophecys its said that black man will rise up in this yime and reclaim thier land by violence. Funny lots of older indians know and speak on the truth. What happened to yall is like what happened to the kews trying yo claim a birthright that is not yours. Scoentist all over the world are rushing around the world gathering evidence hence the great awakening. Why do native indians get so mad about facts. Heres another one yall came from us too smh we traveled to asia look it up they have cave paintings and regular paintings showing black men with afro on a boat going to south asia they had on their walls pictures of them called them the neggers with powers jenis. Said they sailed to in sping and home in fall they caught the current. It also shows the black man and the slave trade exactly as it happen but put on those walls some 2000 years before it happened. We have a job to do and have been awoken not by mistake on purpose.
DeleteAnother thing indian orginally meant indigo in color of the darkest of the color spectum. We know thatindians were dark but dna say these dark prople of acient america were african not asian. No trace of acian momgoloid in them just african like the ingrnious of austrailia and the africans.
DeleteAnd there really is no need in argueing about it facts are facts the smithsonian is putting all the pieces together and showing proof. Dont feel bad this is happening everywhere europe framce italy everywhere thpse pesky bones are poping up everywhere. Lol and I dont think your people wrote in egyptian cause thats whats wrote on many of these walls. Oh and the mummies found in grand canyon one of biggest find in modern day history has a massive wall painting all in egyptian writing and mummies not indian not white but.....
DeleteAnd there really is no need in argueing about it facts are facts the smithsonian is putting all the pieces together and showing proof. Dont feel bad this is happening everywhere europe framce italy everywhere thpse pesky bones are poping up everywhere. Lol and I dont think your people wrote in egyptian cause thats whats wrote on many of these walls. Oh and the mummies found in grand canyon one of biggest find in modern day history has a massive wall painting all in egyptian writing and mummies not indian not white but.....
DeleteI think we need to understand technical history. The original people were not called Africans nor was a continient name Africa. Thoes are names the Europeans gave us when they explored the lands.
DeleteSo technically Native Americans are not Africans because African is name that was given to us during colonisation.
Using the name Africans will always face stiff opposition and debate because most white people know that was name given to us and the Native Americans had been in American before that name even existed.
However, we are the dark skinned, red skinned and copper skinned indigenous people of the land.
They can't debate.
But I would love know how dark skinned people identified in those days before the Europeans gave us Africans.
Exactly TaTa P! Your comment was definitely on point!
DeleteThanks for sharing
Factsonly Right on!
Deletewheres your evidence? prove to me that the so called "Blacks" are not the Indigenous persons of the land.
Deletesmh.. blacks want to be everything and everyone.. THE OUT OF AFRICA THEORY has been debunked.. and if everyone came from africa then everyone would be the same and have the same dna in them.. dumb people trying to make themselves feel better
DeleteLet your proof be my proof be my proof and proof for all the truth is what we all want
DeleteWe are not Africans nor are we Moors.
ReplyDeleteWe are not Africans nor are we Moors.
ReplyDeleteMoor is a English word taken from a Greek word Marva but they mean people of dark skin or black skin and those that that came from were not people of color. The Aboriginal people have according to people that study the ruins of the past say life of the Aboriginals is over a 150,000 on this planet possible older they were dark then and they are dark today.
DeleteWow good info
ReplyDeletePeace and Thanks. Please share this to spread the word!
Deleteinteresting article. 2 of your claims should be backed up with actual facts not just become someone else made that claim. 1 when u referenced the stewart synapsis for your claim that washitaw muurs are the oldest indigenous people. it would be better linking to the actual UN declaration. when i looked it up i couldnt find it on the UN site. i did see a document that i will am going to read, but it seems like this was submitted by someone not a UN declaration. long document so it may have the declaration at the bottom. 2 with the claim that america was originally egypt, it the same basis, just because someone made that claim show evidence. the page you have posted is talking about when the world was one land mass. i heard people make this claim before that people was on the earth when it was one landmass but i havent seen proof. will you provide proof? my contact info is blackpowernbham@gmail
ReplyDeleteResearch Egyptian or kemetic culture inside the grand Canyon
DeleteWe are the Original BlackFoot Of The BlackFoot Territories in the United States OF America.
ReplyDeleteMy Grandfather was Blackfoot ( he just passed away) and my grand mother is Cherokee natives and we've always owned our lands to this day in North Carolina in the Tar Heels...We are all Christians though and farmers.SistahSpeaks
Why Christians?
DeleteThis guy Sharif Ali is confused.
ReplyDeleteYou're anonymous. No telling who you are since you can't show your face, so your opinion doesn't matter.
DeleteGreen greener you couldn't be more incorrect. My grandmother who is over one hundred years of age is a black Indian completely Indian she was never a slave or her family. She owns a lot of land because of her family who worked as mid wives as you know most Indians birthed their own my family capitalized of that skill an become wealthy. She wore her two symbolic bread Indian hairstyle for years and just let us style it out a couple of years ago. We are celebrating her birthday this weekend she is still alive and kicking.
DeleteRight on Mrs Freeman
DeleteWhy do you blacks try to take credit for everything in this world? You claim this is you're land now, you claim natives are black just cause they're skin is dark, now you're taking credit away from our ancestors who built the ancient pyramids in Mexico? You provide false info that's clearly based off of you're opinions and state you're half native to justify you're false insulting claims smh. Natives are natives not black, we are indigenous to the Western hemisphere. You guys don't own everything you know..
ReplyDeleteSo your ancestors built the pyramids and created giant sculptures of black people, had a written language of African origin, and skeletal remains have been found to be of African people???
DeleteYou could be the whitest person in the room saying this and claiming this as your ancestors. You have no idea what my family history is, but thankfully, I do because of the 3 plus decades of work my great uncle compiled researching our history in North America. We've been here forever and you can't just troll my site and wipe that history away with your meaningless comments.
@ Anonymous May where did your people come from any way. At some point I believe they migrated from Africa which DNA science has proven that ever race on this Earth has come from African ancestry. That even the pyramids is South America that artifacts where found in those sites that have been found also in Africa. West Coast of Africa and East Coast of South A.But of Roman Catholic doing that evidence was agree by Europe Nations not to be disclosed. I don't think no one is fight to take away what was done by the Ancients families of South A. But we r against the Men and Women. That killed and destroy controlled and lied to us. The same hand that was dealt to the South Americans was dealt to the North Americans Moor Indian Indegious people whatever. Instead of fighting again each other and let White Superior continue all over the world. Maybe we should work together and see what facts and false. Lee City
DeleteHow did yall build them they out date yalls arrival??
DeleteWow the lack of intelligence here is a joke and the problem is that you think if you read it on the internet it has to be true and I bet you get all of your news from Facebook, the American Indian is not black and blacks are not American Indians and thats it plain and simple. It us time for you blacks to be happy with your African history and quit trying to latch on to other cultures and claim them as your own. Blacks got to America by slave ships and that's it but people started lies and you are gullible enough to believe them and the lies probably came from confusion since Indian hair makes the best weaves and your great gran pappy didn't realize that is Indian hair from the country of India so he started claiming that he was American Indian and I'm sure he would think that somehow you are those Indians as well. It is time for blacks to quit with there waste of time BS claims and grow up. Let me explain something to you the longer civilizations have been around the smarter they become and in Africa are the least intelligent people on the face of this earth and the reason for that is the white man and Indians where there 141st and we brought blacks over on slave ships from sweeden, yup that's right cause the M.O.S.H. shows that is where blacks come from and when the White man and Indians got tired of Africa we moved on to America, then after some time we returned to Africa to get the slaves we left behind. So now you have the scientifically proven history so quit your notching and get a job.
DeleteNow I'm white cause I don't agree with you? Lmao let me say it again, just cause the natives were dark skin with big noses and lips doesn't mean they are black, they made sculptures of themselves not blacks! I know my ancient history deep in the core, and I will not let you discredit the Mexica, Mayans, Olmecs, etc. You need to learn the history of those pyramids, they were owned to the Mexica (Aztecs) and mayans, we have ancient scriptures telling you where we came from and what we believed in. I love my brown native people and I will not let you discredit them with you're false claims and opinions!
ReplyDeleteListen to you...
DeleteYou sound like a white supremacist to me. Present-day Mexico has black people btw, they are marginalized and a minority of the population. But seriously, you mean to tell me that the present-day people, who compromise mainly of mestizos, are the original pyramid builders? They are mixed raced. They look nothing like the Olmecs. And if you knew your history as you claim it, then you would know that the Mayans, and later Aztecs did not build anything, they inhabited and added onto the older civilization created by the group called the Olmecs by modern historians.
Have you researched pictures of Mayans and Aztecs prior to 1800?? If you had you would probably kill yiurself..
DeleteThats what you need to do go look again. Either way instead of argueing facts go look some up scientist have compared tge dna and its not of asian mongo desent but african and has started a rush for more information they to are shocked to find african dna in the earliest skulls being found today. Smh never in my life did I ever think I had to battle with an indian about our history.
DeleteYou call me white cause I don't agree with you and now my facts don't matter cause I have no picture? Lmao you're very ignorant and insulting. I clearly don't want to make an account on this website I'm visiting for only 1 conversation... You're article is funny you have pictures of natives and you're calling them black cause they are dark skin smh.
ReplyDeleteThe natives were described by early European settlers as having copper skin tone from North to Central and South America (including the Caribbean). Many natives were even referred to as Ethiopians because they were not dark brown (copper toned) but so dark skinned that they looked just like the people in Ethiopia. Why does this fact anger you? You are racist just admit it and stop trying to act like you are offended. You don't matter in this conversation, neither does your opinion. These are based off of the descriptions of people who were actually there in the past. And like I said earlier, I have roots here in this country (North America), so it doesn't matter what you are saying about Mexico.
DeletePlus people forget to blacks can have an albino child. With no melanin. If enough albinos n dark skin negroes have babies then the group would lighten over time.
DeletePlus people forget to blacks can have an albino child. With no melanin. If enough albinos n dark skin negroes have babies then the group would lighten over time.
DeleteI have family member of coppertone and of lighter complexion but they are still black! Just like the native people of America. The knowledge you give to these ignorant ass people are true! Let them continue to believe the lies of there father Satan! Because the load gone come tumbling down!!!
DeleteHope you've done research since this bc you're lost af...I was too young to question why my Great gmas on both sides dressed like the so called "Indian". Now it makes sense. And the amount of land we own! You're a racist used tampon.
Delete@smirks always they are just scared that they won't exist anymore once we wake up and take back our own culture and origin.
DeleteI remember learning about our history as Native People! We are the lost tribe of the P Funk, afrika bambatta clan! The moors are going to take the land back. To the east my brotha to the east! George Clinton is our chief and must be respected! Aho!
DeleteYou are so confused, how do I sound like white supremacy? That's ignorant of you. I'm Mexican native. And did I say the mestizos built the pyramids? No I didn't so stop twisting my words around, all Mexicans are descendants of the ancients some are just more indigenous then others. And you're so confused, the olmece did not build all the pyramids! Get real! The Aztecs and mayans did not inhabit anything, they actually owned it! They knew how the pyramids were built and built them aligned with the cosmos! They were the most scientific people in our history! And so cause the invaders said we "looked" like Ethiopians it means we are black? Columbus also wrote in his diary that he thought he was in India cause we looked like Indians, that's why people call us Indians to this date. So do does that mean we are "indians" from India as well? Let me repeat again to make it clear, just cause we are dark people doesn't mean we are black! We are indigenous to this continent and never crossed any oceans! And also I'm not only talking about Mexico I'm talking of all cemenuahuac (this continent) the whole Western hemisphere is native indigenous lands. Also jaimaca and Haiti is originally native land they were killed of by Spaniards and settled with they're slaves.. Don't ever call me racist I have not said 1 racist thing to you! That's like me calling you racist for claiming this land is originally black! I also go off facts based on the past there is still recorded history of the ancient people and they're history..
ReplyDeleteBeautiful, since you are indigenous and your people were dark enough to be mistaken for Ethiopians and Indian people please, post a picture of yourself. Chances are you are not even darker than me, and I'm light-skinned. LOL. I could see if you were even enlightened enough to acknowledge your dark skinned ancestors, but come on, you're trying to say they don't even exist. GTFOH
Delete@ the troll, Dude you are not backing any of your blah,blah,blah with any facts. You are one of the ones who are trying to suppress Ourstory with hisstory. You speak as though the land was a dormant land that did not florist until the Europeans showed up. SMH pull your head out out your ass of bullshit and learn some true stories. Sharif Ali thank you so much for sharing this rich information. You are waking folks up one person at a time. Some folks can't handle the truth. I can tell the difference between a so call black African and a black American. We are the true Americans. From the land of #Mu #Lemuria. js
Delete@ the troll, Dude you are not backing any of your blah,blah,blah with any facts. You are one of the ones who are trying to suppress Ourstory with hisstory. You speak as though the land was a dormant land that did not florist until the Europeans showed up. SMH pull your head out out your ass of bullshit and learn some true stories. Sharif Ali thank you so much for sharing this rich information. You are waking folks up one person at a time. Some folks can't handle the truth. I can tell the difference between a so call black African and a black American. We are the true Americans. From the land of #Mu #Lemuria. js
DeleteThanks Sis. They definitely aren't ready for the info. Especially Lemuria. You might make some heads explode with that one!
DeleteAlso look of translations of indian. India. Meaning dark. Indigo. Darkest color of the spectrum. That's why they called people indians. East and West.
DeleteSharif Ali Thank you for this valuable information! Now I know the full content of the statement " You should hear the truth and the truth shall set you free!". They've always lied.. Cheated. stoled. Thank you brother 1 luv
DeleteRobert Traylor, peace and thanks brother!
DeleteLmao@the troll so now Jamaicans and Haitians were the same as you light skinned Mexicans gtfoh you sleep and brainwashed Wake up Sharif ignore this troll he's a suspect Racist no matter what his complexion is he hates his Ancestors.
DeleteWord @ThaFlyestMoor72! Sometimes replies are necessary just to make sure that the trolls on this page get shut down. I leave the comments up and if noone else destroys the argument I step in. This is a teaching tool. These people always expose their own ignorance and racism. They aren't even smart enough to realize that they are only making a stronger case supporting the points made on this website.
DeleteFunny the brazilians where this cave was found and skeletons, say and admit that they were indians black. You got to temember before europeans doctionary listed you as what you see today an indian was of indigo color the darkest spectrum is what indians were before white america and that to is documented in journals around the world.
DeleteFunny the brazilians where this cave was found and skeletons, say and admit that they were indians black. You got to temember before europeans doctionary listed you as what you see today an indian was of indigo color the darkest spectrum is what indians were before white america and that to is documented in journals around the world.
DeleteThese afronazis have no pride or heritage as rich as our Native heritage. That's why they try and steal it, they are so lazy as to find their own, that's why for them it's much easier to steal someone else's , and take the easy way out! They think its okay to teach their children a false sense of self esteem. It's teaching myths of grandeur over reality. No one buys this bullshit false history of their supposed greatness, academics think they are losers, which they are.
DeleteHey, you're on my site, not the other way around. I don't care what you are doing because you inconsequential. I'm glad you commented though. Tell everyone about the site so that they can all come on here and rant like you have done. This is priceless!
DeleteYou have no idea how much natives you would offend with this unreliable article. People believe anything on the internet, and articles like this is what confuses uneducated people. Trying to tell natives they aren't indigenous and they're blacks with black lands, trying to twist ancient history and trying to erase real natives history and cultures smh thats not going to happen especially by a unprofessional website! Where do you think natives come from Europe? No we been here since day 1!
ReplyDeleteNowhere in this article twists history. It is sited and sourced. Much of the information is taken from centuries old descriptions of the natives from the European explorers who encountered them, so go dig up their bones and argue with them!
DeleteYou're right, I'm not darker then you cause I'm not black, I'm Mexican native. And my dark skin ancestors did exist, they just aren't considered "black" . and we shouldn't go after what are European slave owners/murderers said, that's like me saying a mullato is white, why would people believe me instead of the actual people?
ReplyDeleteAre the people in these links, for example Mexican natives? Because they actually resemble the Olmec statues, hieroglyphics, and artwork of themselves? It's funny how people try to act like they don't exist, skip right over them and assert themselves as the original people.
You took this entire article as an attack on you, when the focus was on the Ancient "black" natives in the present day U.S.A. Central America was mentioned because it also had native blacks and the descendants still live there, mixed-blood and the blacks of Mexico that are pretty much pushed into the background.
If you are really about rising up why fight against the truth about the black natives of this hemisphere? It's pointless, nothing you say can take away from the fact that my own grandfather was a Blackfoot Indian.
For like the 6th time, just cause they looked black they weren't black. The Olmecs were not black. And you're stating you're grandfather was a native to justify you're comments. And you're website links are all afro websites. There is plenty of black Mexicans. My point is the natives are indigenous peoples and so were the Olmecs, some looked black but we're not black.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing, I mentioned my grandfather being a Blackfoot Indian because, if you haven't noticed by now, that is what this article is about. I don't care about Mexico! Matter of fact, noone seems to care about Mexico except for you. That's why you keep commenting on my blog.
DeleteWhat about those big lips big wide nose. Why would the Mayan make statuses of people who don't look like them or and they never seen before?
DeleteWhat about those big lips big wide nose. Why would the Mayan make statuses of people who don't look like them or and they never seen before?
DeleteDNA says other wise no asian decent explain that?
DeleteDNA says other wise no asian decent explain that?
DeleteThere is NO Olmec DNA! And those Olmec Statues look just like The Native Americans in that are! Why would the Make statues of some lost Africans , when there is more of a chance that the Natives would of killed them or Sacraficed them to their gods! When the Navajos first saw a Black man( they had never seen one) they murdered him, his name was Estevanico. It's a good thing too because he raped countless woman and gave them STDs that Africans and Euros had, but the Natives had never seen!
Delete@Normandie Kent What an imbecile you are. I can't believe you were dumb enough to use Estavanico as an example when a simple Google search or glance at his Wikipedia page would have proven otherwise. Dumb ass, yes he was a Moor who traveled to America, BUT he was one of four survivors of the Spanish who explored Florida.
DeleteHe went to live with the natives and blended right in because UNLIKE you he wasn't white, lol. You're an idiot but thanks for adding your ignorant rant to the discussion, you only further proved my point.
You guys are great, every time one of you $5 indians comments on here you only strengthen my case.
Lol, this fool said they looked black but weren't black. Even some of the racist European writers themselves acknowledged the Olmecs as black people. I'm from North Carolina and NONE of the American Indians there or better yet Louisiana, Georgia, and most definitely Florida looked like a so called Mexican. The Creek, Yamassee, Oconee, and other tribes allowed White runaway slaves in the colonies to live among them and learn the customs. The United States had black slave owners as well.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, you just ethered yourself. "just cause they looked black they weren't black"??? Come on, they went through great lengths to paint, and even carve into stone their black features, and cornroll braided hair. Get outta here with that mess!
DeleteWhy do y'all go off what the Europeans said? Go off of the indigenous, none of the ancient books or scriptures ever said they were black. Just cause they were dark it doesn't mean they were black. And plenty of Mexicans look native and plenty look white, we are a mixed race, some are more indigenous then others. Learn you're Mexican history before you try to talk about it.
ReplyDeleteAnd about my sources being all afro-related sites, come on, Wikipedia is cited twice, "Slave Statistics" by Hugh Thomas published in 1997 by Simon and Schuster is definitely not "pro-black", and neither is the nearly 200 year-old book, BOOKS LETTERS AND NOTES ON THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF AMERICA, by George Catlin 1841, which includes eye witness accounts of what the natives of North America really looked like. Another thing, I'm tired of talking about Mexican history. It is briefly touched on in this article, which is for the most part about the natives of the present-day United States. Go ahead and hold onto your lies about Mexico. I don't care.
DeleteAll you're sources are white or black written, and my lies about Mexico? I don't lie about anything no need to.
ReplyDeleteanonymous needs to get real. Can't stand the fact that EVERYTHING comes from us and his skin is light due to
Deletemixing with the european. Science states as fact that we all come from one AFRICAN MOTHER PERIOD. Instead of trolling sites to try and debunk, do some real research and get back to us. Peace Scott El
Oh and notice those who got negative stuff to say always name themselves anonymous
So the East India and East Africa Company were owned by Who precisely ????? England Right
ReplyDeleteRead Ancient and Modern Britons By MacRitchie(a european) before you talk about England
DeleteUnknown okay you're one of those people that believe the whole world is from Africa Lol people know who the natives are so no need for me to explain myself. N I'm anonymous cause I have no account on this site.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, all you need is a Google account or email to be able to log in and show yourself.
DeleteI don't have beliefs. I have facts. No need to explain myself do some research.
DeleteI got facts too. I love ancient native history and know it very very well.
ReplyDeleteBring the facts because you have no shared anything significant so far. Some of your antics on this site made my latest YouTube video:
Africans were not Native Americans. Native Americans actually descend from Eastern Europe and Asia.
Anonymous take your ignorance someplace else. Tell it to the African-Americans they are still asleep for now. You are a disinformation agent, nice try.
DeleteThe facts are no secret just do you're research I done mine already. All you're arrivals are written by white people and black people. And according to you you can be white and be native American? Hahaha. Not all natives have or need 'copper' skin. Good luck convincing the world that the natives are black.
ReplyDeleteThis entire article and the YouTube video went over your head. According to me whites can be natives??? Try again. How about according to Webster's Dictionary, "A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America." Do you speak english or are you just slow? That is written in plain english and it means that the aboriginals of this land are the dark brown-skinned people but NOW applies to descendants of Europeans born here.
DeleteIn other words if whites moved to Mexico and wanted to consider themselves Mexican and call the people who are already there brown people, and say that you guys come from some other place. Then start showing white people in the films as the natives and even have some whites calling themselves natives. That is what this says. Maybe now you can understand.
OMG THIS IS HILARIOUS!!! I absolutely love your logic of just Making shit up as you go! Facts are for losers!!! This is so entertaining I almost want to join this group so I don't have to come up as unknown on the reply!!! Too funny
DeleteOMG THIS IS HILARIOUS!!! I absolutely love your logic of just Making shit up as you go! Facts are for losers!!! This is so entertaining I almost want to join this group so I don't have to come up as unknown on the reply!!! Too funny
African Americans were not Native Americans. Native Americans actually descend from Eastern Europe and Asia. You should really do more research before making claims like those in your article.
Unknown, Natives are not Asian or European that's what the scientist want you to believe. There's no proof or evidence. And Natives don't look like Asians or Euro's, natives have high cheeks bones, tan or dark skin, none or sometimes barely any facial hair, and soft hair that grows quickly.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is entitled to they're own opinions but NO ONE is entitled to they're own FACTS, Facts are facts and exist whether or not you accept them and or believe them. EVERYONE comes from Afrikan orgins PERIOD , and if you are of darker skin tone you are most certainly derived from Afrikan orgin PERIOD. Mexicans, Mayans, Olmecs, Aztecs, and Yes Native Americans ALL derive from Afrikan orgin PERIOD !!! Also the oldest known Pyramids were built in modern day Brazil by guess who ??? Native South Americans who were in reality who???....Afrikans and not the Aztecs, Olmecs this Mexican purity bullshit is just personal fantasy, they were built by people of AFRIKAN ORGIN, let it go ,it only makes you look uninformed and emotionally driven. Black is just a modern day extension of Afrikan lineage and Mexicans come from US .....cousin!
ReplyDeleteThe Africans did not built the ancient pyramids! You Africans wants credit for everything! There is no ancient written text saying anything about Africans. Aztec and Mayan specialist will even tell you Africans have no relations with the Natives before the invasion. There's even pyramids from 200-300 years ago that the Natives built that have similar structure of the older ones so that's obvious Africans had nothing to do with it. And also if you're claim was true then why weren't these same pyramids built in Africa? And why weren't they advanced in Astronomy like the Natives were? Don't go spreading false information saying they are facts, theres many things a scientist said in the past that wasn't true so we can't believe everything, we only have evidence and we can only judge by that and what's left of the ancient world and there is nothing African related with the Natives. Don't ever discredit the Aztecs mayans Olmecs etc. They were a very advanced society.
ReplyDeleteThere's a couple of sentences mentioning Central America if that. You did not state any facts and flat out lied talking about there's nothing advanced in astronomy in Africa! GTFOH The oldest universities in the world are in Egypt and Timbuktu. Get out of here you uneducated peasant!
DeleteBTW...nobody gives a shit about Mexico.
Deletelol, its a shithole today. The present day Mexicans aren't doing such a good job, you can't even drink the water without having the runs.
You can have that shit, I don't want it.
You ignorant clown, the Ancient natives were the most advanced civilization in the world at the time. And you're on this kick about Mexico why? Do you hate Mexicans or something? Nobody mentioned Mexico , you don't have to like Mexico but have some respect. Disrespectful ass smh.
ReplyDeleteYou're going on about Mexico, the Aztecs, and Mayans. I said something about how unspectacular Mexico is. Your feelings got hurt. Now what???
DeleteOnly reason Mexico was mentioned at all is cause that's where the Mayans and Aztecs were from, nobody is talking about modern day Mexico.
ReplyDeleteBlack Americans ARE indigenous people and it's time WE stop allowing people to criticize us or making us feel bad about embracing our OWN TRUTH. All evidence prior to the forgeries found in U.S. History books and U.S. Scientific Racism (created in late 1800s) proves beyond doubt that Black Americans are indigenous people, and that MOST so-called Native Americas are now mixed with whites and white Jews who arrived in America, first as slaves, and later, from 1860 to present, as immigrants. You cannot test the blood of the latter to validate or invalidate OUR indigenous status. White scientists are PAID and have a motive to deny blacks Americans our true heritage. The book Black Exiles ( have thousands of references that confirms this, from books written by writers and chroniclers of different cultural backgrounds and translated into English. People need to accept the fact, but if they don't, it doesn't change the FACT.
ReplyDeleteRight on Sharif!! People are scared of the truth; the white man did not know what to call us and they still don't, we are the only ones who are not identified as a race, we went from colored, to black, to negro, to african american, they did not know of the Moor race so they called them Indians, and no we did not all come from Africa, we are everywhere, God replenished the earth with the first man of being black.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lisa, you are right and exact!
DeleteBoom!!! LOL yeah this is Christana's Husband a Blackfoot Native Muur Blood Type A- Practicing Hebrew Daniyal El with no monkey Blood. What's Good Family? Better know this dude I bet doesn't even the the Greatest President in Mexican History our its Greatest General Lol !!! But I would bet on Black From SFV in So. Cal. These are our little cousins trying to be like there Conquers wanna start mess with there own family probably skin bleaches as well. But hey there family no matter how lost our confused my family I will always love. Peace to the Elohim Just remember Stay Suprem!!!
DeleteWhere is your enrollment card....Am Blackfeet.....I have Generation of full Blood family....I Have a enrollment card and land by Glacier park...........I can look up my family blood......what was you did your people live....what was your lives did you live....what did you eat....what did you make to live in.....can your Elders tell these things....I know mine can...
ReplyDeleteSIGNS & SYMBOLS are for the 'CONSCIOUS MIND'.
WHEN the COUNTLESS global millennial 'open & declared enemies (aka: 'the digitals') of 'The ORIGINAL Man' are presented IRREFUTABLE TRUTHS, their innate demonic spirits become 'butt-hurt' & rail against said TRUTH in a vitriolic rage.
Quite entertaining though.
That is why it was said that the RIGHTEOUS should REFRAIN from 'casting pearls of WISDOM & TRUTH' amongst the vermin & swine.
Peace Fam!
DeleteSee, Mexico is the largest collective of indigenous Americans. So when talking about natives of the Americas, just remember Mexico is home to the largest population of indigenous Americans. Mexico recognizes 68 native languages just to throw out a figure. Just to throw another stat, Spanish has also become the de facto language of just about all native peoples in the Americas. I know that last fact has little to do with Mexico but many people associate Mexico with Spanish only, so I threw that out there.
ReplyDeleteIf we look at Inuits, they look Asian. They are. All us natives are Asian. Back when our ancestors crossed the Bering Straight from Asia to the Americas. We look Indian too, cuz we are. India is part of Asia. Now if you saying Indians are black therefore we natives are black, for sure. How else could we be brown.
Now if you saying Africans sailed to the Americas before Columbus I believe that too. The Olmec's in Mexico have African type of art. The Chinese reached California. The Japanese reached Peru. The Vikings reached Canada. Egyptians reached Colombia (cocaine has been found on mummies). All before Columbus. The only group that seemed to integrate was the Japanese in Peru.
Still the strongest African influence seems to be with the Olmec in Mexico.
Now one factor that seems left out is that the USA wasn't the only place to practice African slavery in the Americas. As you may recall Spain, fresh off 700 years of Moorish rule, sought conquest. Spanish & Moors allied themselves to exploit the Americas. Then slavery was put into place to continue the exploitation. The Portuguese and Dutch continued this throughout the Americas.
As it so happens, Mexico was one the first places to ban slavery. The second Mexican president was half African and half mestizo. Mexico welcomed slaves from the USA and granted them their freedom upon arrival to Mexico.
Throughout time slaves have escaped their oppressors and integrated with natives. More African tales like this happened in the USA with Africans joining native tribes. In Mexico, though, it actually lead to an indigenous American and African revolt against the White Mexican government that was successful. Also most of the people that founded Los Angeles were Afro-Mexicans. Actually Mexico's Alta California had a large Afro-Mexican population.
So what I'm saying is a lot of Mexican Africans where free when American Africans weren't. Also a lot of Spanish Moors had settled their own lands. So in conclusion these free Mexican Africans more than the Spanish Moors would have been in the wild wild west before many anglo white man. The Spanish Moors on the other hand would have been all through the current USA south without a care in the world before any anglo white man. This is just about the USA and free Africans that roamed it before the USA became the USA.
As to why there are so many Africans currently in the USA, again African slavery was not isolated to the USA but it in fact went on throughout the Americas. That is why so many Brazilians, Caribbeans, Guyanese, French Guinean, Colombians, Venezuelans, Ecuadorians, Belizeans, Costa Ricans, and Panamanians are black. It is also these South Americans and Caribbeans Africans that have now settled in the USA that drive up the figures along with more migration to the USA from West Africans.
From what I understand we native to the Americans are manly brown Asians. If brown is black I dig.
If you saying Africans were here in the Americas before the Asians thats dope. I know that the catholic church burned the Mexica (Aztec) libraries with only a few codices surviving. Was that the true secret they tried to burn?
Still most indigenous Americans look Asian, from the Amazon to the Arctic.
The closest thing that might indicate any type of African culture in the Americas lies with Mexico's Olmec civilization.
World Anarchy, right on brother! Thanks for sharing that thoughtful insight with the fam!
DeletePaz hermano!
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAnarchy, i agree with much of what you said and i respect the fact that you don't come out like the dismissive kind. What I wanted to point out is the "negroid" presence in America which is dated at some 50000 yrs ago where as the mongoloid crossed to bering straight 20000 yrs ago. I'm stating this based on archeological discoveries in brasil.
DeleteI am Haitian and our language which for some reason is called "creole" happens to retain a healthy doze of arawak vocabulary. I always told people that haitians always knew who they were. it is without any doubt that many of us came directly from africa during slavery, it is unlikely that the majority nor all of us were boated here. think about this.... african slaves of different tribes with different dialect, culture and beleives who were brought here against their will... interbred and multiplied... uneducated and knew nothing about the land they were brought to. fought off their oppressors, did not want to go back home, instead decided to make this land theirs and gave it back its "ORIGINAL NAME" and again the dialect they came up with retained a healthy doze of the indigenous vocabulary.I am not the type who beleives in coincidences. I don't beleive, i know that we are on our land... so much has been done to disconnect us to it in a effort to keep us from fighting for it.
time's up though.
Sak Pase Gamesh. My wife is Haitian/Puerto Rican.
DeleteHave any of you taken a dna test? The Native American, Mexican, African American, or African? May be surprised?
ReplyDeleteWhat is monkey blood? God created us all, and no human has monkey blood.
As a black person who has always had a thirst for knowledge & the truth, I find all this info very interesting & thought-provoking. However, I think this info needs to be presented with more factual details including SOURCES (for those of us who want to do a little more digging) instead of personal experiences. And, there needs to be little less emotion & name-calling towards people who present a different point of view. These ideas are very new to a lot of people & needs to be digested in small doses.
ReplyDeleteThere are likely many levels & layers of truth when it comes down to things like this. In order to get a better picture, time-lines would help. When & how did the Africans come to the Americas? Were people already here when they arrived??? If so, who & where did they go? When did the populations that we now call "natives" make their way into these areas? Was there mixing between the groups? Can DNA testing be done to PROVE it? They say DNA don't lie! What eventually happened to these Africans? Did they die off? Did they return to Africa? Were they absorbed into the "new" native culture? What are their creation stories & myths? When we know these types of things, we get a better picture. I do remember seeing documentary on YouTube of African remains being found in Brazil (I think) that predated any remains that had been found prior to that. It's factual info like that that makes the idea of Africans being in the Americas seem more plausible. The thing is you can't rattle off information that is presented from a certain "agenda" & expect people to accept it without question. Calling people white supremacists doesn't educate them. It only makes them more resistant to the ideas you're trying to share.
I have to say that I agree with the people who say that just because a group has dark skin it doesn't mean that they're African. What does it mean to be black or African? We know it's more than skin-tone. It's about origins, culture & tradition. Should we be trying to assign labels to other groups or include them in "our" group just because they have a similar skin tone, especially when they don't share our cultures, traditions & most importantly our origins?
Moneybags, this article is sourced and cited at the bottom. Please read the entire article and maybe you will gain a better understanding of the topic. If the information is too much for people that aren't open to this concept that is not my problem or concern. I simply presented the information and, yes, I added my personal experience as well. That is all I intended to do. If you want to make something else available for the people in small baby steps, by all means, do so.
DeleteJust because your dark skin don't mean your African is a big point so therefore the dark skin people that was indigenous to the land where not African lol Africans are not even Africans lol African is what a made up word to identify the people of color because they didn't know what we really was so the classified anybody of a darker tone African but that don't mean that's where their from so if you was Indian and you was in Africa and they couldn't identify you guess what .. you was consider African ... the world African get thrown around to loosely with out the full concept of the ignorant ones that made up the word
DeleteI've been going over some other posts & am curious... How can we know if our families were in Americas the entire time or if they arrived here during the slave trade several centuries later? If both groups came from Africa, then there really isn't anyway way to know. Anyone have any ideas? And, if we (supposedly) have any indigenous ancestry, there's no way of knowing how long it's been there.
ReplyDeleteThat is a question that will require personal research and because of the fact that many people's family records have been lost and mixed up, the process will probably require a lot of persistence and patience for most people. I cannot speak for you or anyone else. I'm building off of the work of my historian uncle, who has traced my family roots in this country back father than 250 years. We've been here for a very long time, and I don't have any connection to Africa as far as I know. I have no idea what to tell you though. You can't just assume anything, you will have to put in the work.
DeleteSharif, I did read the entire article but can't help but notice that there are a lot gaps. I think that's why people have challenged what you said. Why do you insult them? What's the purpose of your site? Who is your intended audience? Do you want to teach people or do you just want to preach to the choir?
ReplyDeleteFor instance you state, "Black African-Americans are composed of two main groups of Blacks, those who were in the US and the rest of the Americas before Columbus..." There is no mention of where they came from or when. Did they spontaneously appear? And how do we know that they weren't contemporaries of what we now call Native Americans? Yes, I checked the sources & unfortunately they don't give any other details either. I have read that Africans from Mali made their way to Mexico whether traded metal & that the Olmec sculptures depict them. The helmets on the stone sculptures have been found in Mali. If they came here to trade with people, that means that they were not indigenous. They likely created their own societies & intermingled with the natives. Maybe many of their descendants were already here by the time the slave trade started but can we call them the "original" inhabitants?
" Check out what this white dude wrote about the indigenous Americans back in the 1800's..." How does a quote from a white man in the 1800s prove anything? His description actually describes what Native Americans look now we know that they've been here since before the 1800s.
"During Pangea, the Afrikan and American continents were joined." Yes but this was about 250 million years ago. Then you skip all the way to.. "The Black Mound Builders were the Washitaw-Muurs (Ouachita-Moors), the ORIGINAL inhabitants of North and South America." Has it been proven that humans existed during Pangea? These are the kinds of gaps I'm talking about.
"Ask yourself, why is this information not taught in the classrooms and why are the Native Americans portrayed as “red” and not as black people when evidence shows otherwise? Well, you've done a great job of showing that there were blacks here before the slave trade but you don't prove that they're indigenous. You're just repeating what other people are repeating. I think there is enough info to show that we were here earlier than thought & text books most definitely need to reflect that.
You mention your uncle's work but you haven't referenced it. Has any of it been published? I'd be interested in reading it.
Anyway, this is just my take on it. I'm sure you don't like someone coming to your site & going over it with a fine-toothed comb. I'm sorry about that! I'm an editor at heart. I guess my issue is we as black people have been lied to so much about our real history that we will grab onto any tidbit of info that uplifts us without questioning the validity of the claim. I remember my aunt telling me, "When we (black people) were in Africa, we were kings & queens!" Yeah, that sounds great especially based on our current narrative but the reality is only a few of us were really kings & queens.
I wrote a reply and accidentally deleted it, so I'll have to make this one short.
ReplyDeleteIf you understood the article you would see that the quotes showing the European explorer descriptions of the natives shows that they saw people who resembled African Americans, versus the federally-recognized "Indians" of today. The 1828 definition was listed because of the extensive work that Webster put into making their dictionaries and significance of the time period in which that definition of American took place. That was a period in which natives were being white-washed, killed, and moved into reservations. The damn definition tells you in plain english what took place. Re-read it and go ahead and form your own conclusion. I'm done!
By the way, not everyone subscribes to the belief that all black people came here from Africa. It may be a radical concept to you and others, but even some Europeans are beginning to expose this truth:
DeleteIt only seems reasonable that the Americas would of been migrated to and most likely inhabited by people from africa long before Europeans or even American Indians which are probably the modern day ancestors. Im Australian so based on the fact that we have the oldest living culture? of 50,000 yrs. People couldn't migrate here without passing the Americas.
DeleteI think its foolish to think it was the slave trade that brought America its original Africans.
Exactly Nunga,
Deleteand this is actually a known fact by the Smithsonian. I have an article on here about how they have proof that the oldest remains found are in South America from a black Aboriginal person closely related to the Aboriginal people of Australia. Here it is:
I'll check out the video. I'm always interested in different theories, even radical ones, if there is evidence to support it.
ReplyDelete"not everyone subscribes to the belief that all black people came here from Africa."
ReplyDeleteOk, just watched the video. It was actually the one I mentioned in one of my previous posts but I enjoyed it so much that I watched it again. Lol The theory is that these first Americans either came from Africa or from Australia by way of Africa. By my logic, that means that they're African in origin like us. :-) Regardless of how & when we arrived & regardless of how many places we called home before reaching our final destinations, our origins are ultimately African. That's where we get our skin tones, hair textures & facial features. It's in our DNA even if we don't "feel" it. I feel more honest calling myself an American of African descent than an African American.
Another can people say that they're Moors but not Africans when the Moors were indeed African! Sounds like a question of semantics or a negative mental association between the words "African" & "slave." Can you address that?
Lucy (found in East Africa about 3 mil years ago) is older than the remains found in Brazil by at least 1 million years. Africans in Brazil didn't just appear out of nowhere. They migrated there.
And back to that Native American description....
"All primitive tribes known in America are dark, coppered color with jet black hair, while most possess curls in the extreme, and every level of wavy hair in between. The texture of the hair is generally fine, soft or silk or course or harsh. The hair of the men, falling down to their hams and sometimes to the ground, is divided into plaits or slabs two inches wide and filled with a profusion of glue and earth, which become very hard and remains unchanged from year to year."
My take is perhaps this guy saw black AND "red" Indians. His description is very broad & easily covers the varying phenotypes of both groups especially if there was mixing. I've seen pictures of Geronimo, Sitting Bull & many others who look like them. They all have the dark skin, long jet black hair braided into plaits yet they don't have Negroid features. So, are we classifying them as black Native Americans solely because they have the copper skin color? And, if most Africans have/had black curly/kinky hair, how did bone-straight hair wind up becoming such a predominant trait of the copper-skinned "black" Native Americans tribes you listed? Indian tribes have rich oral traditions. I have yet to read anything that provides info directly obtained from any Native American elders about their tribal histories. If their histories make no mention of Africa, are we going to say that they're in denial or don't know their own history? Anyway, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
Hold up money! Lucy was an apelike creature that allegedly stood upright. I'm not claiming that as my ancestor, and that is probably where we differ. The entire planet was inhabited by "black" people, we were never limited to one region. I'm not going to get into my way of thinking, because it's probably to far out there and outside of the accepted versions of history. More power to you bro, let's agree to disagree.
DeleteThanks for the Knowledge Sir. Great job brother. People are HEATED that we are slowly waking up from all of the -excuse me- fucked up lies. It went from not wanting us to be able to read back then to not wanting us knowing our history never. I think never has arrived. Be nervous people something else on the crack, not necessarily a drug, but something. They always do it. We have to stop falling for it.
ReplyDeletePeace Brother! Please share this info with your friends and family.
Deletethere are around 400 tribes in the Amazon. The tribes are untouched by the rest of the world. If the indigenous Americans were really black, as you claim them to be, you would assume an undiscovered tribe of indigenous Americans would consist of black people. Right? RIGHT? R I G H T? Well, NO SURPRISE AT ALL, the tribe consist of American Indians, and show absolutely no resemblance towards blacks, but have a striking resemblance when compared to the American Indians of the North America.
Okay, this is what your entire claim is based on. O N E dictionary definition out of literally thousands that say otherwise. Your definition says American aboriginals are copper colored. Your dumbass took a penny and said "Gee, this copper is brown like my skin! i must be an aboriginal, despite millions of reasons that proves me wrong! YAY!" Well, first off, pennies aren't copper, they are made from zinc. And the Europeans idea of copper was not a zinc penny, since pennies aren't even copper and they didn't have pennies in 1513, they just had copper.
This is you compared to an American Indian, and some copper.
The American Indian has the same skin color as the piece of copper. You don't.
Great! You're one of these smart, dumb niggers. I'm calling you nigger regardless of your ethnic background because your statement shows that you are actually ignorant, niggardly, and limited in intellectual capacity.
DeleteYour little statement about copper was foolish. Pennies are copper plated you idiot! You don't think copper brown in color? How foolish are you?
What are you, one of these pale-faced "Native Americans"? LOL
Did this offend you?
Well, this is actually common sense. Crayons used to have the color "indian red" which was dark brown. Why wasn't it peach, light yellow or whatever you whitewashed face you want to paint the natives with? The reason is because everyone knew the natives were brown-skinned people.
I'm going to make a post about this. Thanks for the idea dumb ass!
And another thing about South America! Who the fuck are you? My wife is Haitian/Puerto Rican with Taino roots and her "Indian" grandfather was a black man. Get the fuck outta here.
DeleteYou don't know what or who you are speaking to. I lived in Brazil for 5 years and met Native Americans from the country who have native status recognized by the government that are black. You are not speaking to some low-level coon who has never traveled the globe.
Your feelings are hurt because you are white and that is why you are on my forum trying to discount the message.
In regards to that ONE definition. The 1828 Websters dictionary was the FIRST American English dictionary in the world.
DeleteYou my friend, are an ignorant because you obviously did not know this and you probably still do not recognize the significance of this fact. This dictionary was a comprehensive definition of American English terms that was the culmination of nearly three decades of research. This was expert lexicographer Noah Webster's life work.
That probably means nothing to you because you are an idiot. This "ONE" definition was not insignificant. It shows exactly what was the common line of thinking at the time and this cannot be discounted. In order for Noah Webster to evaluate the etymology of words, Webster learned twenty-six languages, including Old English (Anglo-Saxon), Greek, Hebrew and Latin.
Webster put in the work and knew what the fuck he was talking about and so do I! You know nothing. You are just another regular dumb ass. You are racist and got your little feelings hurt.
WHOOH!! Sharif, THANK YOU!! for setting his ignorant ass straight!!
ReplyDeletePeace Lisa. Thanks for joining the forum. Please share the post to spread the message! Blessings
DeleteKeep it up Brother don't give energy to these suspect Racist with fake accounts
DeleteKeep it up Brother don't give energy to these suspect Racist with fake accounts
DeleteKind of pathetic that you have to go create fake narrative to convince yourself that your ancestors weren't dog shit. That's not a comment on your race, rather than your own shitty intellectual and personal capacity... majority of countries still adhere to religious dogma, so I can't say I'm surprised you believe in this shit without any real evidence. Confirmation bias is a real issue with disgustingly insidious dipshits.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous-you sir are a douche...and a racist to boot. Sharif, please keep educating the masses, your work is beautiful. The Nubian people need to be aware that this is not some land they were brought to as slaves. They were Kings and Queens prior to the brutal and impetuous nature of British imperialism.
DeleteAnonymous, if you are a troll it worked cause you sure did piss me off, choke on a sharp object will ya?
Love this page keep spreading the message!!
ReplyDeletePeace and Thanks
DeleteThanks Beth!
ReplyDeleteYou did your homework. Thanks for sharing. I didn't read majority of the comments because it was to much bickering going on but the message you delivered was spoken very eloquently. Keep spreading the truth. I hope all is well with u and the fam. Much love ❤.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words. If you don't mind, please share this article to help spread this information!
DeleteTake care.
You are all idiots, who the fuck cares? Get a job work real hard and provide for your family. Have some good cook outs in the summer and keep your friends close, enjoy life because its precious and it don't matter what color you are. You're all gonna die one day and have to answer to our creator. One God one people.
ReplyDeleteYou are all idiots, who the fuck cares? Get a job work real hard and provide for your family. Have some good cook outs in the summer and keep your friends close, enjoy life because its precious and it don't matter what color you are. You're all gonna die one day and have to answer to our creator. One God one people.
ReplyDeleteIt does and if do's not then why would the powers that be go out of their to lie about history. I enjoy my life, I hang out with my friends, go concerts, etc: but for me its important to me to learn has much about my true past and past it on. Obviously you have knowledge of the adverse effects that, a bigoted, races untrue history has on the minds of the people it is fed too. A history that teach's that people of color or in effect, are inferior. What world or you living in. The only idiot is you!!!!! You probable celebrate all the bull shit holidays. One can learn the truth of ones past and still enjoy life. Teach your children that fairy tale bullshit and see what happens they grow and have to face the reality. Also, again if does not matter, theN why don't the powers that be teach this unknown, but important facts in their schools. Because it does matter, obviously. It is obvious that your not conscious. Sad for a women of color to have a dead mind. What's the name of the last book you read if any. you sound more like the reality show type.
ReplyDeleteTo Sharif:
ReplyDeleteThank you for this article, bro. Keep doing your thing.
To "Anonymous":
Your statement that all of Sharif's sources were written by whites or blacks is not true. Researchers and scholars of various ethnicities have discovered archeological, forensic, and linguistic evidence to support the pre-Columbus presence of Africans in the Americas. Carlos Cuervo Marquez concluded that,
"The ancient skeletons which are very different from the Red American races, and have been found in various places from Bolivia to Mexico, doubtlessly belong to this race. "It is likely, then, we repeat, that long ago the youthful America was also a Negro continent."
The name of his book is: Estudios arqueológicos y etnográficos : prehistoria y viajes, in case you want to look it up yourself. (I trust you read espanõl)
Peace Kingdom Ambassadors,
DeleteThanks so much for sharing those jewels! Shining light into the darkness...
People keep saying the first people on earth were black. How did the skin color change ? What determined what shade a group of people would be. Evolution, not enough time for evolution to occur.
ReplyDeleteMoors had white slaves first. For almost a millennium.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this information. I truly received revelation from this post. I read all of the comments; even the ones from bitter, hateful and insecure people. I know one thing is factual; what's in you will come out. If you are who you say you are, then why become outraged and belligerent at someone's post that is not authentic.
ReplyDeleteAs an educator, I inform my students frequently, when you are secure in yourself, you do NOT look for ways to put others down or defame them. Analogically speaking, that is like a king arguing with a crack head constantly telling him, he's stupid dump, insignificant and a liar. If you are a "king" why waste time, energy and resources to remind someone they are beneath you, you created everything, and they are nothing. UNLESS, there's an innate existence of insecurity that stems from you not being who you say you are. If I impersonate someone that Im truly not, I have to constantly lie and hide the truth from the person that I innately know I am trying to disqualify.
I inform my students that if they are nothing, then people wouldn't try to kill, steal and destroy them at all cost (like Black wallstreet and ConintelPro). When you are unimportant and not a threat, people WILL treat you as so. However, the fact that people go out of their way to discredit who we are speaks volumes.
As I was reading this, I kept thinking of how my great grandmother was "Indian." My child's father has "Indian " in his family. I meet so many "Africa Americans" that have "Indian in their family." I reside in Memphis, Tennessee, and have met so many people with Cherokee Indian grands, great grands and great great grands in their blood line. All of the people I meet are considered black or Africa American, but they have "Indian" bloodlines. I used to wonder why soooooo many black people have "Indian" in their family. This article sheds light on the possible answer of why. I am unsure if Cherokee is original to this area, but this has ignited a desire to find out and dig into my history.
I must admit that I fell for the belief that all Native Americans were of very light complexion. I'm glad I found this article. This is right on time, bc I just had my students write letters on voicing whether they believe Columbus day should be rename to Indigenous People Day. Now the question I'm going to pose to them is "Who are the true Indigenous people?" I'm going to prompt them to explore this article and research their history.
Wow Alexis, I really appreciate you sharing that. It's so inspirational to hear that you are a teacher and to know that enlightened sisters such as yourself are encouraging our children to think outside of the box and raise their consciousness.
DeleteThat is truly awesome!
I can relate to everything that you said, especially about Memphis, as I grew up there and heard pretty much the same thing as you described. My grandfather had 18 brothers and sisters, and always told me that his father (a black man), was a Blackfoot Indian. He owned land in Humbolt, TN, where a lot of my family still live.
I know one of the indigenous tribes in the Memphis area is called the Chucalissa. They were mound builders and have an archaelogical museum that you can visit. I remember seeing a brochure years ago with some pictures of the Chucalissa Indians on it and they were undeniably black. They preserved some of the mounds too.
Thanks for writing though.
Peace and take care!
The native Americans and the so called "Blacks" taken from west africa are the SAME PEOPLE. We are the Israelites acccording to the Bible and history. The white man has divided us in slavery, called us different names, and hid our history to keep us apart! We VASTLY outnumber them. God says we are like the sand of the seashore! But they have a little mind game called census...
ReplyDeleteIsrael, please remember who you are, and REPENT. The laws of God were given to YOU to keep. You went to slavery because you displeased the Lord by breaking his commandments as stated in Deuteronomy 28...
This land was called Azareth before the white man came over and named it after himself (Amerigo Vespucci) These edomites have a habit of naming lands after themselves! (Psalms 49:11)
You think white people came from black people LMAO then why are there diseases that black people get that whites don't get like sickle cell anemia? Sickle is a genetic disease which means it is inherited by new generations so that alone shows that white people never came from blacks. Sharif Ali you are very ignorant
ReplyDeleteThe Niitsitapi, also known as the Blackfoot Indians, reside in the Great Plains of Montana and the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Only one of the Niitsitapi tribes are called Blackfoot or Siksika. The name is said to have come from the color of the peoples' moccasins, made of leather and has nothing to do with black people so if you think you are part of that drive then 1 of your female ancestors slept with a male Indian or vice versa but there are no purebred black Indians and that is a fact but hey if ya saw it on YouTube is has to be true just like all The news on Facebook LMAO silly negros
ReplyDeleteHere is a black magazine called ebony and even they say that in April 1502 "African slaves" were brought to the Indian tribe and some Indians kept slave but I guess you know more then some magazine with your YouTube and Facebook research. Here read for yourself and then quit spreading these lies and confusing people. Your ancestors where enslaved by the white and red man and that's it, oh and your claim that blacks built the pyramids is false too because pyramids were exceptional technology for the time and yet not one pyramid exists in all of Africa so if your people were intelligent enough to build pyramids in other parts of the world why wouldn't they built them in their Homeland?
ReplyDeleteHere is the article;
Thanksgiving has largely transitioned from a day marking a fictionalized relationship between European settlers (they'd be considered "terrorists" by today's standards) and the Natives who originally inhabited what came to be known as the United States, the holiday is now primarily focused on time with family, overeating and giving thanks. However, it's still the perfect opportunity to learn a bit more about the Native Americans and how we are connected to them.
ReplyDeleteHere are a few important things to know about the relationship between Blacks and Native Americans. Feel free to share these with your little cousin after snatching off the handmade feather headband she made in school and ruining all her racially insensitive fun.
1. How We First Hooked Up: The earliest recorded African and Native American contact occurred in April 1502, when the first enslaved Africans were taken to Hispanola; some Africans escaped to Santo Domingo. The first Black Native Americans emerged from these groups.
2. Some Native American Tribes Held Slaves: Unfortunately, the relationship between Blacks and Natives prior to emancipation was often rocky, as some Native tribes sided with the Confederacy and owned slave plantations. While the dynamics between Native slave holders and enslaved Africans was often different than those that existed on European run plantations, this still complicated the Black/Native relationship in a way that challenges the narrative many of us have embraced regarding that connection, which brings us to…
3. You Do Not Have "Indian Up In Your Family": As Harvard University historian Henry Louis Gates, Jr. wrote in 2009, "Only 5 percent of all Black Americans have at least 12.5 percent Native American ancestry, the equivalent of at least one great-grandparent. Those 'high cheek bones' and 'straight black hair' your relatives brag about at every family reunion and holiday meal since you were 2 years old? Where did they come from? To paraphrase a well-known French saying, “Seek the White man.”
Some 58 percent of African Americans possess at least 12.5 percent European blood. In other words, our variances in complexion and hair texture are more likely to be attributed to our White ancestry (which most of us have via slavery, even if we cannot trace it back on our family trees) than the "Cherokee" heritage so many of us have been claiming for so many years. Unless you have documented evidence, please stop telling people that Grandma Mary Louise Jenkins was "full-blood Indian" just because she rocked long, silky plaits her entire life. Oh, and don't run out telling people you're 12 percent White now and acting like that makes you mixed, either.
4. Okay, Maybe You Do Have Some Native Blood: Some Seminole Natives of Florida did form communities with escaped Africans, creating what came to be known as Black Seminoles. Hundreds of Africans traveled with the Seminole nation when they were forced to relocate to Native American territory, while some remained with those who stayed in Florida. The 1835 Census showed that some 10% of the Cherokee people had African blood. Before the Civil War, the Africans living amongst Cherokee people were either enslaved by them or they were free, but lacking citizenship. In 1866, the Cherokee nation signed a treaty with the US government recognizing those people of African heritage as full citizens. If you are curious to learn if and how you might have Native American blood ties, try a genealogy expert or source that specializes in Black/Native relationships
Read more at EBONY
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ReplyDeleteIt's common knowledge that the Black and Native American mix exists in the United States. However, when African Americans, particularly those with families from states such as Mississippi, claim a BlackFoot Indian Heritage, a questions arises. How could this particular Black and Indian mix take place? The BlackFoot, also known as the BlackFeet are not from the southern states such as Mississippi. While this sounds like a legitimate question, it generally is asked by someone who does not understand how loosely the terms "BlackFoot" and "BlackFeet" Indian is, and always have been used.
The Southern Black and Native American Mix
More than one tribe of Native American Indians were called the BlackFeet/BlackFoot tribe in history. The Sioux of the Cheyenne River, the BlackFeet of the Rocky Mountain region, the Choctaw, the Cherokee, and the "half-breeds," who were Black and Indian, were all commonly called "BlackFeet" or "BlackFoot."
Many African Americans have family roots in the southern state of Mississippi. This is one of the states where Native Americans in history, especially members of the Choctaw tribe, frequently intermarried with Blacks. Those Native Americans themselves, as well as the children they had with African Americans, were commonly called "BlackFeet." They were also called "BlackFoot tribe Indians." No one questioned their genuine BlackFoot Indian heritage, because the use of the terms was understood in that part of the country.
African Americans researching their family roots in which there might be BlackFoot Indian heritage would do well to keep these helpful facts in mind
TO THE UNKNOWN!! This site was created for OUR heritage, not yours, you do not have to agree with nothing that has been posted in regards to the research that has been done, you sound like a fucking racist Moron, it sounds like you need to do your research, I am so sick of you hypocritical race of people, find out where the fuck you originate from, that's always been a problem of your kind, you do not know nothing about our heritage, did you not know the black man, is the original man? Sure you didn't! Did you not know Adam and Eve were not the first people? Sure you didn't, did you think Jesus had stringy hair and blue eyes, I thought you did! Whites are the most evil race of all times, I wonder why? how dare you get on anybody’s forum and criticize, we as people need to know, for most of our lives, we were not taught, because the white man stripped many of our ancestors from our rights, and did not want us to know the truth, you ignoramus, if you took time to research you know that what is being said here on this forum is true, your ancestors knew, they made up names to call us, nigger, negro, colored, black, African-American, and of which none of those names are a race, it’s just another way of trying to keep us down. Do you know who God is? He said the first (us) shall be last, and the last shall be first, look around, look at your people trying to be like us, from our shape to our shade, our lips, our style of dress, our style of music, our style of dance, our food, who taught who to cook? commercial slogans playing our music, you see it, that it why you are so angry, who cares, we will not go away, we are located in every part of the world, that alone should tell you something. I bet your daughters, nieces, sisters or whoever, long to be with a man of color, we are intriguing, we are a commodity, we hold power that is feared, we are a strong race, and how do you think your ignorant ass got here? You oxymoron What you don't know is, the man who created this forum is anointed, and you should be careful how you vex his spirit, God said touch not thy anointed and do thy profit no harm, you had better watch your mouth. Instead of criticizing you might can learn something your damn self, leave this forum alone, let this man have his say, it is his right, because in the end the truth will be revealed and all will see, I appreciate all that he has said, all of us did not come from Africa, where did you come from, white paint with a drop of black paint turns to what? Hello! The white man saw us, they did not know what we were and called us Indians, another name they made up for us, how did you think they got their color? WE are everywhere! There are so many trying to emulate us and hate us at the same time, leave us the fuck alone, you will not win, as a race of people, we embrace other races, not by choice but because of what has been instilled in our soul from the beginning of time, I am proud to be different, I wouldn’t change my difference for nothing in this world, the seed of a black man with a black woman produces many shades of color, how many shades does a white seed produce? Is it 1?
ReplyDeleteAfter researching the documents of voyages from 1501 - 1875 only 308,005 Africans were brought to North America as slaves! Even less than Hugh stated and the proof I have goes examines documentation that covers a much longer period of time.
ReplyDeletePatrice thanks so much for sharing. Would you mind telling me the sources so that I can also do the research? I'm writing a book on this topic.
Brother, thank you for taking your time to help wake our brothers and sisters to their true identity. The oral history in my family of Cherokee has been passed down from generation to generation as well. This seems to be the norm for many so called African Americans,and that tells me that we don't have Indian in our blood, but the so called native Americans have our DNA in their blood!
ReplyDeleteWe are indigenous to all 7 continents not just the region of Africa.
Every skeleton or artifact found, and the evidence that is still hidden to this day, traces back to NEGROID, but they love lumping EBONY skin together with AFRICANS to further exile us off our own land in the Americas.
There's so much hate spewed by non-so called African Americans in these comments that it reveals who they are... WE KNOW WHO WE ARE but THEY mad? Why? Because it shatters who they THOUGHT they were...give them time, it's not easy learning that their "biological father" is their uncle!
Right and Exact Unity!
DeleteThanks for joining the convo!
Right on right on we are just human plan and simple people let title and origin of those titles confuse them
DeleteRight on right on we are just human plan and simple people let title and origin of those titles confuse them
DeleteStop culture vultures like this ex-slave! Pathetic interpretation of one of the most studied archaeological subjects in the world. Take any pre-Columbian cultures of the Americas class, please. Maybe try reading SCHOLARLY texts from this decade? There have been countless advances in carbon dating and other SCIENTIFIC research methods that have destroyed your archaic and sad interpretations of Olmec culture. Don't be a culture vulture! Yes, we all came from Africa, but we all were fucking fish once too. Get over it. Go beat a drum in the bush if Africa is so great. lmfao.... Fucking vulture
ReplyDeleteLmao your "facts" are that wrong. Next thing you know youll start saying the maoris are african because captain cook called them "niggers".
ReplyDeleteIf you want to know about Moors go to Immanuel Church cemetery and see all the graves of people who were Moors/Africans/Lenape Indians. My relatives on my mother's side came from this area. They were the Durhams who married a Wall, developed Lincoln University PA, owned land was considered to be white because they were considered well off and entrepreneurial. Their skin color was mulatto but were considered colored by the census. Now we are black.
ReplyDeleteGreetings, people first and foremost the aboriginals were not called Africans,Blacks or Indians they were Moors/Muurs. Furthermore look up the FOUR LETTERS ON AMERICAN HISTORY by Prof.Constantine Samuel Rafinesque in 1848, which can be located in the Peabody Library at Harvard University Museum which can give more clarity on the subject of color amongst the aboriginal people here. Now it has been scientifically proven through the study of Ancient American skulls only during the Middle Holocene 3000 B.C. did the Mongoloid populations enter the Americas. Therefore determining that there was no Paleolithic Asian migration during the Pleistocene times that ended in 8000 B.C. as the text books have always displayed. Ancient early Mexican skulls found no clear resemblance to Amerinds(Monogolians or todays white skinned Indians) of East Asians this was found after a thorough study of Ancient Mexicans skulls by Gonzalez-Jose, the skulls were from the late Pleistocene, and they belonged to Moors( so called Africans) not Amerinds, other words brown, dark brown, coppertone, light brown or skinned, olive and black skinned. Peace!
ReplyDeleteGreetings, people there were also the findings in South America at Pedra Furada in North Eastern Brazil dating back some 56,000 yrs and in Allendale County South Carolina dating back some 51,700 yrs ago consisting of skeletons, footprints in lava, composites, genetics M174 and D Haploid groups, paintings, carvings, linguistics, architecture, Egyptain writings and artifacts.I pose the question were our ancestors have been the same people. A Dr.M Trotter in 1943, did a hair analysis on pieces of scalp from Paracas Mummies in Peru and he reported that cross section form shows all divisions of hair forms and its seems the Negroid elements entered South America around ( 400-300 B.C.). A scientific research team led by Jin Li of Fudan University in Shanghai did conducted a International study based on DNA analyses of chinese people from around the world they found that chinese people originated not from the Peking Man in Northern China, but from early humans in East Africa whom moved through South Asia to China some 100,000 yrs ago, a number of families evolved in East Africa some 150,000 yrs ago. Sixty five(65) branches of the Chinese race share similar DNA mutations with the people of East and Southeast Asia researchers from Russia, India and Brazil found. Professor Jin Li FUDAN UNIVERSITY LIREN BIOLOGY BUILDING, RM 220 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES, SHANGHAI, CHINA. Article found in the Hong Kongs MING PAO DAILY.
ReplyDeletePeace, Humans. Some things are just placed in your essence. And The TRUTH offends within itself! I've been blessed to have been in United States Marine Corps Special Forces. I've been to 22 countries and every state in the United States. I've had the honor of coming across documents, people, and ancient knowledge that would get the average person killed. We live in a society where you can research and cross reference a lot of great things in search of Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding. My point being is, there is no way around the fact that The So Called Black People were already here in America(Moors) and are the original Asiatic people, and are the people in the Holy Scriptures. I'm not assuming things, I've seen undeniable proof with my own eyes while in the Marine Corps. No need to argue...just study, study, study, and cross reference. The Europeans have lied and blinded every race that they've came in contact with, in regards to history. And Dameer Bey, you are right on. Blessings to you all.
ReplyDeletewhat a joke
ReplyDeleteWhen you guys stop using the word African there will be progress made ... you only African because that was they way of identifying anybody of color ....your only Indian because they couldn't call you African .....we will never figure out the answers as long as they have us categorize that's why everybody talking in circles and over thinking when you come to a conclusion that we are all just human from different geographic areas we will see no race did anything to another because it's we are all one race we did it to ourselves due to the curse of Adam and eve we have been deceived and we arguing of certain lands when we are all indigenous to the world not just a certain part scientifically we all can adapt to any type of geographic climate we are all the same... some just more... fucked up than most
DeleteFuck you black people always trying to claim everything stupid ass Moorish science temple of America bullshit trying to act like you were here first there is absolutely no proof you apes were here before my ancestors who crossed the Bering straight some 15000 years ago all DNA and skeleton remains all point to the altai people of the Siberian mountain range not fucking africa, there's scientific proof oral proof proof in skeletal remains and even the,culture I mean the main belief of my people are into the animals and trees all being together as one which is the belief in Siberian people as well, I'm 82 percent native american and not a drop of African in me, stop trying to act like the world is out to get you like what do the white people get out of lying and covering the "fact" that you apes are the originals, and those structures you pointed out are most closely related to the Chinese dynasty. I mean the founder of this stupid belief is a man by the name of drew Ali who in his,words says he is Buddha Jesus and Muhammad reincarnated so the person you are defending sounds a little fucking crazy.. Get your head out of your ass because not everything is a conspiracy against you people. Don't claim to be the natives because you aren't I mean the polynesians have more of that right than you do because they sailed here some 500 years ago because they were the greatest ancient navigators in the world at the time not the africans. That's why I have 4 percent Polynesian DNA and so do many natives when the polynesians sailed to south America parts of Mesoamerica and california. Stop believing in the lies your people say and just go ahead and follow your Islam wannabe culture praising to the sun God allah, what your doing is blasphemy.
ReplyDeleteSorry to burst your bubble, but in 1993 the United Nations quietly recognized the Washitaw Moors (mound builders) as the Oldest Indigenous Peoples on the planet Earth! Look up (united nations charter 215/93) & you will find recorded proof,not ideas & theories.Still to this day The Empire Washitaw Empire holds the land patent (deed) to these states:Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Indiana, Alabama, Texas, Mississippi, Illinois, Georgia, Florida, Delaware, Tennessee on up into Canada, witch was fraudulently sold during Louisiana Purchase.Documented facts! Why Aren't the so-called indian reserves built around or near pyramids & mounds in the usa? Because your people were hunter gatherers..We need to reunite because we were all together before the european conquered & seperated us...
DeleteThe enemy can not accept truth, but when the hammer drops....they will wish they had.
ReplyDeleteThis is fascinating. You are correct, I never was taught this but it makes sense. I always thought many of our "African Americans" looked different than those in "Africa". I really want to think the difference was not caused by sexual exploitation and reading this I am more hopeful. Excellent read and thank you for educating me.
ReplyDeleteAgain excellent work, Bro Sharif.
ReplyDeletePeace and Thanks!
DeleteThought I would add some actual facts, um just cause..... Stay blessed my beautiful people.
ReplyDelete1741-1745…..Robin a Negro Man now in possession of Thomas Cocke, Gent., petitioning for leave to sue for his freedom.
- Robin, an Indian Plt. Against Thomas Cocke Genbt. Deft. In Trespass Assault and false imprisonment…We find that James Jones late of Prince George County in the year of our Lord 1693 was in the possession of an Indian girl named Sarah as a slave and that we did find the said girl in the year aforesaid was 4 years old. We find that the parents and Native Country of the sd. girl were Heathens and Idolators. We find that the aforesaid girl did live and die in the service of the aforesaid James Jones as a slave. We find that the Plt. Robin is the issue of the aforesaid Indian Sarah.
(Robin is described as a Negro until he proves his Indian descent, then he is described as Indian…use of the term is influenced by his servitude)
Sussex County, VA
1818…..”James Hix, a free man of color, brown complexion 34 years old, born free of Indian mother per certificate from Sussex County.”
(non-white persons are held under suspicion of servitude, and thus Negro ancestry, until proven otherwise)
1871……The North Carolina Joint Senate and House Committee interviewed Robeson County Judge Giles Leitch about the “free persons of color” residing within his county:
Senate: Half of the colored population?
Leitch: Yes sir; half of the colored population of Robeson County were never slaves at all…
Senate: What are they; are they Negroes?
Leitch: Well sir, I desire to tell you the truth as near as I can; but I do not know what they are; I
think they are a mixture of Spanish, Portuguese and Indian….
Senate: You think they are mixed Negroes and Indians?
Leitch: I do not think that in that class of population there is much Negro blood at all: of that
half of the colored population that I have attempted to decribe all have always been
free…They are called ‘Mulattoes’ that is the name they are known by, as
contradistinguished from Negroes…I think they are of Indian origin
3 DEC 1772…Committed to the jail of Surry County, a Negro Man who says his name is Tom, and that he belongs to Benjamin Clements of Sussex…appears to be of the Indian Breed.
(person of obvious Indian ancestry described as a Negro)
11 MAR 1775….Run away from the subscriber…a very bright Mulatto Man named Stephen…his wife Phebe went away with him, a remarkable white Indian woman.
6 JAN 1776…Run way from the subcriber..Harry, Virginia Born, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, 30 years of age, a dark Mulatto, with long bushy hair, he is of the Indian Breed.
(person of obvious Indian ancestry described as Mulatto)
1749….North Carolina tithable law is amended to include “all White Persons intermarrying with any Negro, mulatto, or mustee, or other Person of Mixt Blood.”
(desire of legal system to lump all non-whites into one category) <---- PAY ATTENTION. MAYBE THIS IS WHEN THE SEPARATION STARTED. DIVIDING SO CALLED INDIANS AND SO CALLED NEGROS.
1802….In the North Carolina case Gobu v. Gobu, the judge stated “I acquiesce in the rule laid down by the defendant’s counsel, with respect to the presumption of every black person being a slave. It is so, because Negroes originally brought to this country were slaves, and their descendants must continue slaves until manumitted by proper authority. If therefore a person of that description claims his freedom, he must establish his right to it by such evidence as will destroy the force of the presumption arising from his color.”
(all dark skinned persons are presumed to be descended from Negroes)
Thanks so much for sharing fam! Do you have sources for these quotations? Best
Deleteman this site is straight BS. The scary thing is you actually believe all the crap you're preaching. You post youtube videos and afrocentric links to give yourself credit. All you're doing is posting the same stuff that someone else is posting, it's one big circle. There is nothing to prove your point except for another persons link or your uncles "3 decades of research". Dude just be happy with who you are and who your family is. Quit trying to be something you're not. What's the point with all this anyway? Are you trying to get a casino? Free college? #FakeNews
ReplyDeleteWhile I am eager to learn this little known information, I wonder if the fact that many identifying black Americans inclue those with mixed ancestry is included in the discrepancy in the slaves brought to America versus the current population.
ReplyDeleteAFRICANS ARE NOT NATIVE. The ONLY reason there are black "native" Americans are because of FREED MAN LAWS. When whites released slaves they didn't want you in their communities so they FORCED you into ours. And why most Native Americans hate blacks. Cherokee is a good example - they were forced to take in everyone as "native" and given land by the gov't in return.
ReplyDeleteA lie is a lie no matter how many times it's told.
Also - MOORS ARE MUSLIMS. And Africa was invaded by Arabics almost 2000 years ago. They were in Central & North America in the 1400s and brought African/Christian Arab slaves with them. They enslaved EVERYBODY, no matter the race - if they weren't muslims they were fair game for slavery.
Do you know why Caucasians are called that and not white? Because the jews came out of the Caucasus Mountains and were very light skinned. They joined with other 'Arabs' and created Babylon. And how Jews ended up darker skinned/haired. At the top tiers jews and muslims have ALWAYS worked together. They created East India Trading Co. and were the ones creating slavery - and have done so for hundreds of years. They were the bankers who FORCED slaves on new American land-owners, threatening them with bankruptcy & tyranny if they didn't "buy" their labor.
LEARN PROPER HISTORY and stop believing any rumor that comes along propping you up. Because these same jew/muslims WANT A RACE WAR. And what better way to do that than get you thinking you're something you are NOT then getting you to fight with everyone over it.
Now look up JEW George Soros' quotes on the "black community" and how easy you are to manipulate. He's funding "black hate groups" and getting you doing things to start civil wars.
Moors were never black, moors had black slaves and hated niggers with a passion that they even wrote about it. Moor leaders said blacks were nothing but sub human animals that were good for nothing but being slaves.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, as far as I have been taught, all human beings come from Adam and Eve..... So what if we are of different colors and shades..... All this arguing is a waste of breathe. There won't be agreements until the time comes to reveal what's been prophecied in Revelation. I guess it's good in a way to tell everyone truth whether they agree or not but me, personally, after one has told his truth and the other has done the same, then let time show and tell.